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Comments 13

lovexandxfate October 1 2011, 03:09:57 UTC
I admit it, I cried like a baby at that last part. And good grief the drama just keeps on comin'. I'm pretty darn glad that you've promised a more or less happy ending because I'd be freaking out even more than I already am if you hadn't. I hope Lydia doesn't get killed, I like her. But, better her than one of the other main characters (besides Klaus and Katherine of course).


badboy_fangirl October 2 2011, 04:51:47 UTC
I made you cry? Well, I do think you're like me and you cry pretty easy, but still, YAY! I love that.

And, ACK! I could never kill Lydia! But I'm glad you were uncertain of what would happen! Wouldn't want to be too predictable!


lovexandxfate October 9 2011, 02:50:59 UTC
It depends on the mood I'm in as far as crying goes, but I do tend to tear up fairly often when the occasion calls for it and this one certainly did. I don't know how anyone could get through this whole story without getting a little misty eyed at some point or another.


brokenbell October 2 2011, 00:29:11 UTC
The way the stress of the pregnancy bombshell brought Elena and Damon's insecurities about their relationship to the surface was really enlightening. I'm glad you rewound and let us see Elena's thought process prior to the big reveal. I can't believe she didn't realize Damon's first instinct would be to castrate all the men at Duke!

One of my favorite light-hearted moments in this chapter: Of course," she adds as an afterthought, giggling madly, "it's not like I can Google Hybrid Pregnancy Symptoms."

Don't worry Elena - Jeremy will do that for you. But he'll use bing. On his AT&T device.

I am really enjoying witnessing them coming together as a family. Elena drawing strength from the memories of her mother is such a sweet ending to a lovely chapter.


badboy_fangirl October 2 2011, 06:42:17 UTC
I can't believe she didn't realize Damon's first instinct would be to castrate all the men at Duke!
IKR? Simple-minded in the moment, she was. Because Damon could have no other reaction than complete lividity--I loved that she just hadn't even considered that. She knew he'd be freaked out, she just didn't get all of it.

Jeremy + Bing = OTP :D

Elena drawing strength from the memories of her mother is such a sweet ending to a lovely chapter.
Awww, thanks!


k_stjames October 2 2011, 03:14:06 UTC
Wanting to be with his family on Christmas! Priceless and so heartbreakingly perfect. Loved how you layed out Damon's demons and Elena finally understood his fear. Also love that Elena has a purpose now, to protect the baby and love Damon.

Loved paternal Alaric, he has so stepped up.


badboy_fangirl October 3 2011, 05:49:24 UTC
I've always loved Alaric, but his supporting role in this fic made me love him that much more. Every time he came into the story, I wished he could have more to do.

Also, I love that you loved the way the pieces all fit together, both Damon facing his fears, and learning to communicate them, and Elena attempting to silence them once and for all because she understands what she's meant to do. I loved the poetic nature of it, and how Elena, as such a nurturing person would come to these sorts of conclusions about herself anyway; it just happened sooner than she planned :D


linsell_farm October 3 2011, 02:48:24 UTC
I like the shift to Elena's POV and getting inside her head when she discovered she was pregnant. It worked well for me and gave another dimension to the story as a whole.

It's very gripping the way Elena had totally missed that Damon's reaction would be based on his knowledge that vampires can't procreate. It's a testament to the strength of their trust in one another that Elena was easily able to convince him that it's his baby. That also set up nicely for his next (not so good) reaction.

*wipes away the tears in my eyes*These kids just tear me apart sometimes. The emotional roller-coaster that they ride has so many highs & lows. While I understand that highs & lows are integral to each other, I can't help be feel so sad for both of them. Elena needing Damon so very much in this situation and Damon shutting down because he simply cannot deal with all these emotions. It just breaks my heart ( ... )


badboy_fangirl October 3 2011, 17:20:40 UTC
I appreciate you commenting on the transition to Elena as she figures our she's pregnant--I knew lots of people already knew this was baby!fic, but I also knew I'd have some readers who would be completely surprised by it, so Elena's bombshell reveal of it really felt sudden and incomplete in the previous chapter--plus, I needed to up Lydia's investment in the situation, and it only made sense that it would freak Elena out and force her into sharing the truth ( ... )


simply_aly October 11 2011, 22:13:51 UTC
-Damon's reaction (or rather, non-reaction), while not what I'd hoped, seem more in character than anything else I could have imagined. That, at first, he wouldn't think it's his, because it shouldn't be possible, and that, even after finding out that the baby is his, that he just bolts. Because that's what he does.
-As if I haven't said it enough, I absolutely adore your Daddy!Ric. He just fits so perfectly into the role, and I just love his and Elena's downplayed relationship.
-Jeremy's reaction was absolute perfection.
-I love all the Elijah/Katherine implications in these chapters. (I absolutely fell in love with them during 2.19.)
-Of course only Doppelgangers can have Werepire babies. (And the part of me that loves the idea of Klaus/Elena is having little shippy babies right now, but I digress.)-I have been waiting for someone in fic or in tv canon to mention undaggering all the originals. (Stefan/Rebekah's throwaway lines don't count in my book, because the reasoning is stupid ( ... )


badboy_fangirl October 12 2011, 05:35:06 UTC
This was the hardest part to write, by far because of what Damon did there. I procrastinated writing it for quite some time. It was hard for so many reasons, but mostly it was just my shipper heart wanting them to be happy. It just always takes so long with these two!

I loved Ric's role in this fic too. He got to say and do a lot of things that reminded me of the Ric who first arrived in Mystic Falls, so it was fun to hang with him.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much! Yay!


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