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youcallitwinter June 23 2011, 12:30:45 UTC
Oh my god. I just couldn't resist so I took the laptop anyway and now I'm just. Blank, pretty blank. Because you are so fucking awesome it's not even funny. I've still only seen the first season of LOST and I can't even tell you how amazing this was to read, especially after Boone's dead and I'm pretty devastated by that (even though I knew it was going to happen, and I was just trying to imagine what it was like for all those people who didn't even KNOW it. I love everything about this, I love that you chose that particular scene, I LOVE that it's Shannon-centric and how you're totally in her head. I love that this documents the progress of a relationship and all the various facets of how they're so twisted and tender and everything in between.

I really liked how Shannon just sort of seemed to know throughout the piece and that in the beginning it had only been a power game (that feels very IC to me), to get on Sabrina's nerves (I don't know if she actually comes in on the show, but I did get a good hint of their relationship from this piece). And the fact that they're both society kids, which just adds so completely to the fact that Boone was always trying to fit in, and be someone. And the way he looked after her on the Island, after their night together and everything.

I love how self-aware Shannon is here, she knows exactly who she is and she doesn't regret or repent or excuse her behavior, just blatantly goes ahead with it and I adored that the only thing she seems to be sure of is that Boone is in love with her-- be it before the crash or on the island; it seems to be that one constant in her life. And I remember Boone saying that Shannon liked older men because she wanted to be taken care of, and you've show so awesomely how her relationship with Boone is a natural progression from there, because he's been that one guy who's always taken care of her. And her REACTION to Locke, like all through her inner monologue not once did she think he could've meant someone other than Boone, which just makes their whole relationship so much more than just one-sided, unrequited love.

The end, GUH, ILY, OKAY.

Favorite lines because they were just so evocative and brilliant:

She's drunk, and sad, and the only thing that will make her feel better is him. She knows it, and she knows he'll do whatever she wants him to, even though he pretends for half a second that it isn't what it is.

So what it boils down to is this: Boone knew everything about her and loved her anyway. And by the time she understands that, it's too late.

And her answer: More than anyone I've ever known.

YOU DO REALIZE YOU'VE MADE ME SHIP THEM INSANELY MUCH, RIGHT? Also, Mean Girls and Backstreet Boys reference ftw! <33

I know I'm insanely incoherent and ungrammatical but it's your fault.


badboy_fangirl June 23 2011, 18:49:04 UTC
You'll see eventually that I spoiled you for certain things in S2, but I had to, to give an authentic look into Shannon's head, and I did it in such a way that you don't know you're being spoiled, so it's all good. :D

I am thrilled you liked it though, honestly. It's always nerve wracking to write people you haven't written at all much, but it was a lot of fun to research and get into her head, and realize that of course she loved Boone, how could she not have? He was her brother. The breadth and depth of that love are so accurately portrayed in Maggie's performance when sits beside Boone's body. Talk about GUT WRENCHING. It destroys me every time, and reminds me that I don't hate Shannon. It was good for me to go back and rewatch stuff and find some empathy for her.

It also makes the series finale episode more poignant for me, but I won't get into that since you have a while before you get there!

So, in conclusion: YAY! I'm glad it made you happy. And I hope it contributes to you getting better quickly! *pats you*


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