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crowandfog June 21 2011, 04:16:17 UTC
You're welcome!

Someday you'll have to explain to me what it was about Jack that made you love him. I imagine you could write essays about that too? Or not? I just don't get it with Jack.

Normally, I might say it was the daddy issues, but since the alternate title for LOST is Daddy Issue Island that doesn't really work. So maybe it's the hero complex (as I tend to be a sucker for that to a certain extent--the whole reluctant leader thing), and I like brunettes. LOL. I'll think about, and maybe I'll get back to you someday with a more serious answer. I just know that Jack had me from the moment he opened his eyes and saw the shoe hanging from the tree. And I shipped Jack/Kate from the moment she stitched him up. My friends all loved him, too. During the finale, when Flocke hit him in the head with the rock, we all screamed simultaneously. My friend's husband said our reaction was way scarier than what was happening on screen!

I think there are TRAITS that I love in characters more than any particular STEREOTYPE. Sometimes the bad boy has the most and sometimes he doesn't. The O.C. is another show on which I choose the more 'good guy' type character (Seth) over the 'bad boy' (Ryan). And Seth didn't have daddy issues... And Ryan had a hero complex... Maybe I'm attracted to insecurity??? (*is scared*) But also, I really DO like brunettes.

Oh, and I ♥ DRAMA QUEENS!!!


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