...but here's the deal--I'm going out of town for Memorial Day. I'm leaving tomorrow morning and I'll be offline for two WHOLE days *gasp* and I may get the shakes big time, because you know I'm addicted, right?
Anyway, I'll be home in time for the TVD rewatch on Monday evening.
In the meantime I have two fic recs for you--TVD related of course.
love, i get lost sometimes which is sequel to
a road trip for absolution by
youcallitwinter (whom I ADORE) which I already recced last weekend. BUT THEY'RE AMAZING AND YOU SHOULD READ THEM AND COMMENT ON THEM SO SHE WILL WRITE MORE.
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes which is a comment fic that I requested that
lit_chick08 wrote for me. IT'S SO DELICIOUS IT DEFIES DESCRIPTION. Go comment on that so maybe she'll want to write more of it and we'll be angsted to our deaths.
Okay, I'm done for now. I promise no more posts until I get back from my trip. HAPPY WEEKEND Y'ALL!