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Comments 15

flawsrevenge January 17 2011, 19:39:22 UTC
The fingers scene...I flinched once I saw the picture here and I have to close my eyes when I rewatch that episode. But yes! Katherine's entrance onto the show was phenomenal.


badboy_fangirl January 17 2011, 20:21:24 UTC
I screamed because that was so foul and I didn't expect it--sometimes they get away with truly gross things on this show. The CW flies under the radar for a lot of stuff, IMHO. It's definitely flinch-worthy.


crowandfog January 18 2011, 02:09:39 UTC
If I was a parent, I'd say The CW gets away with way too much. The violence in this scene was crazy intense and, oh wow, Damon's torture of Mason. The language is questionable, too. I mean, when Damon said, "Katherine's not getting dick." I was like O_o. I don't have a problem with it because I'm an adult, but a part of me is like concerned about everyone else's children, lol. I remember reading a comment on an article where someone said TVD was a good replacement for kids who wish they could watch True Blood, and I remember thinking, "has this person ever seen TVD?" I wouldn't let my kids watch.

But, back to the meme, Katherine certainly lived up to her hype, and that made me love this show even more. Villains who are actually villainous!


badboy_fangirl January 18 2011, 03:45:47 UTC
They use the word "dick" all the time on TVD. And yes, it's pretty racy for 8pm TV, but everything on The CW is questionable, I guess. I wouldn't let my kids watch 90210 or Gossip Girl either.

Katherine is so evil, no apologies. That's what I like about her--even when they told us her backstory, she was still a bitch. I love to hate her, because there's not one redeemable quality about her.


clair_de_lune January 17 2011, 19:39:59 UTC
but still, the Shipper in me was totally devastated

I don't even have a firm preference. (All right, I like Elena being with Stefan because then it means Elena and Damon can carry on with their little dance. Twisted mind here, sorry.)
Anyway, as I was saying, I don't even have a firm preference and yet I grumbled and pouted because... arghh *stomps foot* That said, on a logical level, I can appreciate what TPTB were doing here.


badboy_fangirl January 17 2011, 20:14:27 UTC
Oh, yeah, TPTB are brilliant. It's so well done, and it's so OBVIOUS it's not Elena when you re-watch it, but in the moment I was as duped as Damon was. I just wanted it to be real--even though it would have compromised Elena's integrity in a ridiculous way.

Aside from the kiss not being real, it also bothers me that Damon's moment of confession--his "cathartic" revealing of his feelings fell upon the wrong ears.

Are you caught up now, or just finished with S1?


clair_de_lune January 17 2011, 20:58:57 UTC
It's absolutely not like Elena, I agree, although I haven't rewatched it and don't know how I'd react the second time around, but it was done well enough so that, caught in the moment and in the hope of something happening between them, we bought it - well, so that I bought it, at least :-p

I'm up to date, waiting for what's next.


badboy_fangirl January 17 2011, 23:29:09 UTC
If you get a chance, you should rewatch it...in fact...HERE it is, just the scene. It's the way she watches him, and her questions, how they're so leading. She's so calculating, really, and he gives her so much time to pull away from the kiss, which is what he expected her to do, but she didn't because she's KATHERINE AND SHE'S AWFUL!

Do you have any sub-ships? (Not Damon/Elena/Stefan, who are obviously the new Lincoln/Sara/Michael. *g*)


distant_lines January 17 2011, 20:05:53 UTC
Yes, this is absolutely the best character entrance to the show, hands down. It was so unexpected and crazy.

"Hello John. Goodbye John." = Epic!

However, if there were a best character entrance for a scene, I think I'd have to go with Elijah's entrance during The Sacrifice. When he showed up and ripped those hearts out? OMG! That was seriously one of my favorite moments of this show.


badboy_fangirl January 17 2011, 23:30:11 UTC
Oh, I agree. Elijah's arrival at Slater's is so awesome, as is Damon's soldiering up to fight him only to have him zip off. Love that scene!


distant_lines January 18 2011, 00:26:13 UTC
And I have now gone off to re-watch the scene. I am seriously in love with Elijah.

"Well then you have been incredibly helpful." Then he just rips their hearts from their chests and lets them roll off his palms. Hot damn! The man is sexy. I love Damon's confusion through that entire scene.


midnightblack07 January 18 2011, 03:45:53 UTC
I think that may have been the best character entrance I;ve ever seen on any show, anywhere, EVER; I almost fell off my bed!! LOL


badboy_fangirl January 18 2011, 19:09:01 UTC
It's entirely possible that no one can top that, you're right. It was amazing!


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