I need tonight to be a good night.

Nov 09, 2010 15:59

The last couple of days at work have been HELLISH. Man, I'm really looking forward to a little Puckerone tonight (and yes, I've already caved and watched some of the leaked clips because I NEED him, okay?) to cheer me up. Seriously, if the clips I've seen are any indication, tonight's episode should be really funny. And regardless, Puck's back, bitches. It's all good.

In other TV Boyfriend news, you can go HERE to vote in the People's Choice Awards. Ian Somerhalder is up for Actor in a Drama (and TVD is in the Favorite Drama category as well as the Sci-Fi/Fantasy one). He's up against Chace Crawford, Hugh Laurie, Patrick Dempsey, and Taye Diggs. SO GO VOTE FOR HIM!!! You can vote as many times as you want. It's AMAZING!

And just because it's Tuesday and I haven't done it in a while:

*sigh* Remember the good ol' days?

tvd, people's choice awards, glee

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