One down, a few to go!

Mar 12, 2010 13:59

Okay, March babies, remember THIS POST where I promised you at least a drabble of your choice? Well, I finished one today, and it just happens to be for bluedelft whose birthday is actually today! w00t! I haven't forgotten about this, and promise to supply all those ficlets that have been requested (please know, if you're a March baby, you can always go ( Read more... )

the mentalist, fanfic, jane/lisbon

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Comments 4

bluedelft March 13 2010, 00:38:10 UTC
Thank you! I LOVE IT!!!!

It feels so wonderful, in fact, that you can't help wondering if you ought to punch him more often. God knows he deserves it every other case or so, anyway.

So true! When Lisbon punched him my thought was she probably wanted to do that a long time ago.

What a great look into how Lisbon feels about Jane.

As his taillights disappear out of the parking lot, you remember the other thing he said today: not the part about if he were dying, but the part that if he was, he would call you.

That was a great line and the look on Jane's face.

THANK YOU!! ((hugs))


badboy_fangirl March 14 2010, 06:05:57 UTC
That episode was just the perfect lead in to fic about them. It was great!

Glad you liked it!


aboutbefore March 13 2010, 02:01:45 UTC
Oh, Candy, Candy, Candy! You wrote Jane/Lisbon! *hugs you* I, of course, love them too. In theory, at least, because they are probably the people on TV I love that most and the one TV "couple" I've ever been interested in that I've been this. . . trepidatious about? Because I really don't want them rolling around in bed together because my favorite part about Jane is how broken he is. And don't we really need some more background on Veronica Lisbon?

I could go on and on, but really, I am so happy to see this on my flist.

It feels so wonderful, in fact, that you can't help wondering if you ought to punch him more often. God knows he deserves it every other case or so, anyway. Isn't it the truth? And I just love how you end it.


badboy_fangirl March 14 2010, 06:04:20 UTC
Oh, thanks. It was fun to delve into them a bit. So screwed up, anything between them would be angsty and awkward, at best. We know Lisbon has daddy issues (dad was a drunk, had an affair with Bosco, who was clearly old enough to be her father). But she may have found someone more screwed up than her in Patrick Jane. See, if she's the high-functioning one, it's a problem...



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