the grand facade so soon will burn (1/1)

Mar 10, 2010 10:21

Title: the grand facade so soon will burn
Author: domfangirl
Rating: R (for dirty thoughts and bad language)
Pairings/Characters: Puck/Rachel
Warnings: Spoilers for all aired episodes, set sometime in the back 9, but not based on any spoilers I've seen.
Word Count: ~8600
Summary: Puck and Rachel begin to see each other in a new, sexy light.
Author's Notes: ( Read more... )

fanfic, puck/rachel, birthday, glee

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Comments 38

katertots_78 March 10 2010, 22:32:14 UTC
This was really fantastic! Great job.


badboy_fangirl March 11 2010, 07:14:44 UTC
Thank you!


kimmy_77 March 10 2010, 22:35:14 UTC
This was fabulous! I just read it twice. Loved it! And I vote for the schmexy follow up! Fantastic! :)


badboy_fangirl March 11 2010, 07:16:01 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad it was so good you read it twice in a row! That's a nice compliment! I'll work on a *satisfying* follow up!


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badboy_fangirl March 11 2010, 07:16:48 UTC
Thank you so much! Characterisation--that's what I wanna hear!


nyafangirl March 11 2010, 00:09:35 UTC
Absolutely gorgeous. I really liked both your Puck and Rachel voices, particularly Puck. His confusion over his growing thoughts/feelings about Rach were very well written. I especially loved:
Besides, she totally wants him, and he can see it every time she looks at him, and it makes him feel...well, it makes him feel. And he likes how it makes him feel.

Even though it scares the shit out of him.
Perfectly Puck, and I love the repetition of the word 'feel' - really drives home his lack of experience in the area of feelings and emotions. Great job!


badboy_fangirl March 11 2010, 07:18:44 UTC
Thank you. I liked that idea that the thing that scares him and makes him run is in fact the thing that pulls him back too. Very telling. He's afraid of love, yet wants it very badly.

I appreciate the feedback.


sticks_for_legs March 11 2010, 00:10:37 UTC
Awe, you wrote me almost!pr0n! I approve ( ... )


badboy_fangirl March 11 2010, 00:30:35 UTC
Yes, the "tights" are the slinky black hose you're picturing. He's a boy though, he doesn't know what to properly call them.

I'd have to go back and look carefully, but I'm pretty sure I only called it "church" once and that was when Noah felt bad about being aroused there. The rest of the time I called it Temple (when referring to the meeting) or Synagogue (when referring to the building). And when he thinks of it as church I did that on purpose to emphasize the fact that they don't go very regularly. Remember, Puck makes a Virgin Mary reference in 1x04, so I figure their Judeaism (sp) is sketchy at best. Honestly, I thought it all through, I promise; none of it was thoughtless laziness on my Christian-ass part *g*

I really loved the scene in the truck, and what that led him to reveal to her at Temple. It just flowed, and was so honest, and I loved it. They are a lot of fun to write, I have to admit.

Happy Birthday. We're just gonna celebrate all month long!


badboy_fangirl March 11 2010, 00:37:33 UTC
Okay, I re-read and he thinks 'church' twice. But I stand by my reasoning. :P


sticks_for_legs March 11 2010, 00:46:10 UTC
He did! I know, I counted, because I'm insane! You should so write that he's guilted into going for his bar mitzvah at 17, and just sits there during class like an idiot, thinking... 'there's a freakin doile on my head, I hate my mother!"


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