Aug 22, 2003 07:32
First off: Cassie Claire, we love you.
Second: concept and general theme stolen from Cassie Claires Very Secret Diaries of Lord of the Rings.
Third: This is but one snippet of the entire thing, if people want more, I'll post more. (If you're not really into the MMoRPG scene, or star wars in general, a lot of this might just go over your head.)
And now, the credits:
A collaboration of Love by: Keru, Dr_Evli, Detetsu, Jukey and Cosik. Additional reworking done with the assistance, love and lube of Dogmeat.
*just imagine the above rolls into the background. We haven't got a budget for FX beyond a cardboard ship against a white background. SO QUIT YER BITCHIN!*
The Very Secret Diaries of Porkins
Day 1) Ate a small child.
Day 2) Up to two children a day. Nobody must know of my secret shame. Biggs and Wedge beginning to get suspicious.
Day 3) Can't fit in flightsuit. Borrowed tent material to expand sides.
Day 4) Sold inertial compensator for small child to hold me over. Why would I need an inertial compensator in space?
Day 5) Wedge has confronted me on my horrible secret. Asks what they taste like. Mostly like chicken.
Day 6) Had flight squadron BBQ. Served up 6 kids on a spit. Proclaimed it was a kind of ewok.
Day 7) Breath coming in short. Think am having heart attack. Perhaps time to lay off eating children?
Day 8) Run into Death Star. Inertial Compensator WAS important. Child more tasty.
Day 9) Hired by SOE as GM. Claimed Child eating was marketable skill. Hurray for Porkins!