Ray Ratto is a Fuck

Apr 30, 2004 15:05

Okay... I'm not the biggest Sharks fan in the world. I'm a Ducks fan which makes the Sharks a division rival. But the Ducks are not in the playoffs and the Sharks are having a great run and I'll watch any hockey game. And if my friends are Sharks fans and I'm watching the game with them then, yeah, I'll cheer for the Sharks.

Which leads me to Wednesday night when the Sharks lost to the Avalanche in Game 4 by a score of 1-0. It was a close, exciting game with great scoring chances, amazing defense and stellar goaltending on both sides. Given the way the Sharks and the Avalanche played, the score was rightfully 0-0 after 3 periods. Obviously, the biggest mistake of the night came from Rathje and it resulted in Sakic's OT winner.

So, okay, fine, the Sharks lost a close one on an overtime mistake. Good playoff hockey, right?

Now, enter Ray Ratto, a sports columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle. In Thursday's paper and on ESPN.com today, he's going on and on about how the Avs really took it to the Sharks and that the score should have been 5-1 or 5-2 or 7-1 based on "style points". And I'm wondering, Ray, what the fuck game were you watching? Cuz both the Avs and Sharks looked really good on both sides of the puck and on both sides of the ice. That's why it was 0-0, you dumb fuck!

I mean, if the Avs played so much better than the Sharks, why wasn't the score 7-1? Was it because Nabakov played an extraordinary game in net? Sure, he did play well, but if the Avs played well enough to score 7 goals, why isn't Ray going on and on about how Nabby played the game of his career just to keep the game tied? I'll tell you why, because Nabby didn't HAVE to because the rest of his teammates ALSO played a good game in front of him. That being the case, why is Ray talking about how great the Avs were and how shitty the Sharks played?

What game were you watching, Ray? And who in Colorado is sucking your dick to make you say such things about YOUR LOCAL TEAM... and not only are you saying it in the local papers, but you're using your national spotlight on EPSN.com to talk about a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GAME than the one that was actually played. Why are you a sports writer, anyway?

I hate you, Ray Ratto.
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