Bad Blue Bomber Been Bad Boy

Apr 14, 2004 12:29

Okay, so I haven't updated my Live Journal since the first of the month.  I'd like to say that it was because I was away on an exotic vacation.  But it's just been a little bit of laziness mixed in with a little bit of busy-ness.  So I'm going to do another review.

- First and foremost, as reported by my lovely wife susidhe,  the 4Runner was taken away from us last Friday.  I talked to the State Farm Total Loss department today and they have already sent us the money.  We got a decent settlement, but there's no amount of money that can replace that truck.  I fucking loved that truck. And if I think about it too hard I get sad, cuz it basically sacrificed itself to keep me alive.  I guess it loved me too.

- I finished another website over the weekend.  This one is for The Black Friars, yet another improv group that some of my friends are in.  I like this one a lot; susidhe helped with the logo which I think is way cool.

- The Stanley Cup Playoffs have started.  If you did not already know that then you need to reprioritize your life.  Even though my Sucky Ducks didn't make it, I'm still into it.  And that's the definition of a true hockey fan.  At least, it's my definition.

- I've started learning MySQL and PHP so that I can develop better websites with dynamic content instead of the bland straight-HTML pages I've been doing so far.  I'm hoping that by improving my skillset I'll be able to actually make a little money on the side making websites for people.  I wouldn't dare ask for payment for an HTML website.  But if I have some PHP and MySQL programming in there, then that's something worth billing.

So yeah. See you in anouther 50 years, when I finally get around to updating my Journal again.
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