My accident

Mar 23, 2004 10:41

So, back on January 15, I was in a car accident.  I was in San Francisco on Pine Street on my way to work.  I was stopped at a red light at Van Ness going west and in the far left lane (Pine is a one-way street at that point).

The light turns green and I look to my left to see that the cross traffic is stopping.  And they, in fact do.  They are stopped.  So I proceed to move through the intersection.  At the last moment, a black car from the far lane comes quickly into view and plows right into the front left corner of my 4-Runner.

The truck is spun around almost 180 degrees.  My shoulder is slammed into the door and my hand whacks into the steering wheel.  The truck slowly rolls to the curb while I sit there in shock, not quite sure what to do since I'd never been in an accident before and I wasn't expecting this car to come slamming in to me.  I was just going to work... and now this.

Immediately I'm surrounded by witnesses who are all like "I can't believe she ran the red."  "Are you okay?"  "Here's my card, I'll be your witness."  It was cool seeing all of these people come to my aid.  It made me feel good about humanity despite the pain and swelling in my left arm.

The police showed up, took statements and the paramedics took us to the hospital.  Apparently she was injured when her airbag deployed.

So after a run-around with my adjuster and the SFPD (it took 2 months to get a freaking police report) my adjuster calls to give me her insurance info.  He says that on the police report that I have 2 witnesses saying that she ran the red.

But this chick... she's claiming that I ran the red light and she has hired an attorney.  What the FUCK?!  This chick TOTALLY ran this red light and is now trying to say that *I* did?  Unbelievable.  Everyone else going in her direction was STOPPED at the RED LIGHT.  What in the hell is she thinking?

My adjuster told me not to worry about it.  All of the witnesses there corroborate my story.  She's just wasting her time and money on an attorney.  I just can't believe that she has the fucking balls to say that the accident was MY fault!

So much for feeling good about humanity... I JUST WANT MY TRUCK TO WORK AGAIN!!!
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