All alone with a ton of things to do...

Mar 17, 2004 15:39

Work has been pretty chill this week since I've been the only one in the office.  I mean, I even had to make sales calls this week and it's still been a great week.  I hate doing sales calls, but since I'm calling distributors that actually WANT to buy our books it's been pretty easy.  It's like "Hey this is Ben from Hero Games.  Gadgets and Gear is coming out this week and you haven't placed an order for it.  64 copies?  You got it!  Thanks!  *click*"  Fun stuff.

Since the work load has been extremely low, it's also given me a chance to work on some personal stuff.  I was finally able to distribute some documentation for the Herosphere playtesters which is a good thing because a lot of the problems that have been coming up is because they hadn't had any documentation and therefore were doing things wrong.  But hopefully these documents will help them... and me...

I also picked up a new website this weekend.  My friend Holly D. has asked me to do her business website (interior artistry and the like) and so I've been working on a layout mock up for her.  Apparently the person she'd had doing it for her before took 4 months to do basically nothing.  In two days I've just about completed the layout and once she gives me the approval for it I'll then crank out the content.  I'm not saying I'm good or fast or anything, but after what I saw this person did in 4 months (and CHARGED for it) I was more than happy to bust my ass for Holly for free.  She's a good friend and a talented artist.  You can check out her site at  That's the old layout... the new site will be active in probably a week or so.

I'm also doing the website for some friends that have formed an improv group... yeah, I know, me with friends that do improv?  How can that be?  Single Entendre is their name, and if I know them to be the way they are, offending people with a smile on their face is their game.  I've complete a half-assed mock up for that site already and need to make some tweaks to it so that I am satisfied with how it looks.  They don't give a shit, which is kind of frustrating because as a web designer you'd like to make the site look like how the owners of the site want it to look.  It gives you direction and a more tangible objective rather than "Just make us look cool."  I'm like "If you wanna look cool then I shouldn't put up any pictures of you!"  Sheeit. is the site.  Be warned, it is far from finished.  Shit, it aint even started really.

And to make matters worse I am slowly becoming addicted to GunBound.  A special thanks to hickory for bringing this to my attention.  The game itself is pretty basic, but the graphics are pretty  the avatar options are really cool.  Check it out at, and be warned, the site is translated from some other language into english so some of the verbage is, well, fucked up. :)

So, yeah.
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