More Mouth News

Mar 04, 2004 12:00

So I visited the oral surgeon yesterday and he informed me that I actually had TWO extra wisdom teeth, not just the little guy that my dentist had told me about. Great! That's kinda cool! That ties me with my sister as far as number of wisdom teeth go. I win the overall competition, though, because I had three extra front teeth that were pulled back in elementary school. Good times.

The only thing that sucks about having extra wisdom teeth is that the oral surgeon charges by the tooth, and at $400/tooth, it gets a little pricey, even with dental insurance. My appointment is April 2nd which is plenty of time to save up funds, and it's a Friday which means I'll have all weekend to sit around and choke on my own blood. FUN!

Tomorrow I get my second filling and second cleaning. This is gonna be GREAT!
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