onceupon asked some questions yesterday that got me thinking and I'm gonna pass them along (but not in the form of a poll as I'm lazy) as well as a couple of my own.
1. What was the first movie that you remember that had an interracial* couple in it where it was NOT a plot point of the movie?
2. Was interracial dating uncommon at the time?
3. What movies can you name where a gay/lesbian couple are in it, but their relationship is not a plot point in the movie?
4. Do you think the way Hollywood portrays a type of relationship can influence our society? example - Brokeback Mountain - taboo and forbidden, Pieces of April - part of the background and normal**
I personally never really paid attention to such things until it was point blank asked yesterday. Now it has my curiosity peaked.
For the record, answers are not screened, but you probably figured that already.
*interracial, not interspecies. This had to be clarified yesterday so I figured I'd go ahead and get the sci-fi and fantasy answers out of the way.
**normal - as normal as any relationship can be anyway :)
*edit* Just remember as an aside that it was not too long ago that many states had laws on the books making interracial relationships illegal. In some cases they were classified as "unnatural" under the same clause as "sodomy" and oral sex which are currently illegal in many states.