
Feb 12, 2009 23:30

Ooh~ la la! Never in my wildest (and wettest) dreams did I ever think this kink meme would yield such passionate results! With nearly five thousand comments in the initial post, I figured it was high time we bring the naked party over into a new post to leave the first open for request followup and... other forms of fulfillment ( Read more... )

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The Biggest Mystery of All [2/?] anonymous June 8 2009, 10:23:06 UTC
Things only got worse as the pair entered the classroom; Chie could feel all eyes turn to her as the door slid shut, a few eternal moments of quiet falling over the room before all her classmates broke out in conversation at once. Chie felt like she could light up the whole school with her blush as she slid into her seat. Maybe if she just slumped for the rest of the day and...never left. For anything. Ever.

Yukiko was considerate, as always, and didn't say anything as she took her seat in front of her, black hair swaying into place as she started unpacking her books. Chie decided to focus on that; she'd always admired Yukiko's hair, actually, the way it stayed so long and straight and pretty. If she grew her hair past her shoulders, it just looked ugly and got in the way and oh my god Yosuke just came in.

With Souji.

Oh my god, Souji was going to see her like this.

Yosuke, as usual, was oblivious, probably utterly unable to hear anything through those huge headphones; he slipped them down as he reached their seats, grinning and folding his arms.

"Morning, guys! Hey, you're not gonna feed us today, are y--"

She was getting really sick of that tiny choking sound that all the guys were making by now; Yosuke was almost as blatant as Daisuke, just staring for a few moments before turning his head away, going red.

"...th-that's not funny, Chie. Take whatever the hell that is out."

"What?!" Chie replied. "I-if I could, I would! This is your fault, anyway!"

"What?!" Yosuke replied, snapping his head forward; a few boggling moments later he turned away fast enough to almost cause whiplash. "How is this my fault?"

"W-well...you were going on and on about how terrible our cooking was, and I was really hungry and wanted to show you, so..."

Yosuke stared.

"That...that Mystery Food X caused this?" he gaped. "Huh...maybe it wasn't all bad after all."

"What did you just say?! Ooh, you are just so--!"

Yukiko cut in, clearing her throat in a markedly embarrassed manner; Chie and Yosuke immediately cut off their yelling, turning to look. The girl seemed to be staring at Souji, who was staring at his pants, which now that Chie looked at it, had a really huge...

Now it was official; the entire town could be lit by the heat in the three's faces as Souji glanced up, seemingly only taking an absent interest.

"I thought it felt different today." he murmured, before circling around the desks to take his seat. "Must have been that second helping."

Chie slumped further in her seat as Yukiko snapped her head straight forward, Yosuke breaking out into impotent yelling about how unfair the world it was. Yeah. It was gonna be a loooooong day.


Re: The Biggest Mystery of All [2/?] anonymous June 8 2009, 12:51:51 UTC
*cackling* XDD


Re: The Biggest Mystery of All [2/?] anonymous June 9 2009, 15:22:32 UTC
writer!anon you have my heart XD keep this up! A rather interesting prompt turned epic by you. Great job! XDDDD


The Biggest Mystery of All [3/3] anonymous July 10 2009, 20:19:53 UTC
The bell for lunchtime was like a gift from the gods; Chie bolted out of her seat faster than her legs could carry her, whipping past staring guys and gossiping girls as fast as she could on her way to the roof, backpack held securely around her front. Souji, she thought, could probably still see a smoke outline of her from where he was sitting, most likely blinking in faint confusion.

She sat down heavily once she reached her usual spot on the far end of the roof, sighing. She couldn’t even train today to blow off some steam; it had only taken a few moments of attempting to kick one of the more forward guys, ending with her landing rather unceremoniously on her behind, to tell her that her balance was way too far off to do anything like that. Another sigh and Chie resigned herself to simply pouting down at her bag, digging through to find her lunch. That leftover steak from last night would cheer her up! She’d just need to find it and chow down, and she’d have the energy to...


Her scream of frustration reverberated through the entire building as she shook her bag empty, nothing even remotely like leftover steak falling out. In all the horror and confusion, she’d forgotten to bring any lunch.

“Argh, this day just gets worse and worse!” she groaned, burying her head into her backpack. “I just wanna wake up and get it all over with...”

She didn’t hear the soft clopping of steps towards her until it was too late; Chie lifted her head to see Souji there - her cheeks immediately reddened at being just the right height to see the effects of her food on him - holding a big boxed lunch of beef curry. He seemed as unruffled as ever, even as he looked down at her with her hair a mess and books everywhere.

“I made some beef curry for lunch last night.” he said, calm as ever. “Would you like to have lunch with me, Chie?”

Chie blinked, stammering out her words for a few moments before agreeing; Souji sat down beside her, placing the lunch between them. She couldn’t help but remember how’d they’d defended Takeshi together last week as the smell of the curry hit her nose. Somewhere in all of it, she’d forgotten how reliable their leader could be at calming someone down.

“Mmm...smells good, Souji-kun!” she grinned, helping herself to the proffered utensils. “This is just what I need today.”

“I figured.” Souji said, giving her a small smile. “...must have been pretty rough for you today.”

Chie groaned dramatically, shoulders slumping. “You have no idea. I mean, I know guys like big...these, but I’ve never felt more self-concious in my life!”

Souji stared off into the distance for a moment, weighing his words before turning his head to look at her again.

“You shouldn’t.” he said. “You look really cute.”

Chie stammered, leaning back reflexively. “H-huh?! Wait...y-you’re not just saying that because of these, are you?”

“Of course not.” Souji chuckled, taking another mouthful of food for himself. “You’re always cute.”

She could feel herself going red, drawing her backpack up closer to her chest. Souji seemed serious...he’d thrown himself so willingly into the fight with her, and now he was saying stuff like this? Maybe he...no, he couldn’t. Not her. Slowly, hesitantly, she lowered her backpack again. Souji was still looking at her, but only at her face. Come to think of it, he hadn’t looked at anything but her face all day...

“Do you want to come over later?” Souji asked suddenly, staring off into the distance. “I think I have an idea of what might fix this.”

If she could have gone any redder, she would have. “A-are you sure that’s okay, Souji-kun? I mean, I don’t want to impose or...”

A murmuring noise caught her attention, Chie turning to see a gaggle of first-years peeking around the edge of the roof doorway, staring straight at her. She brought her backpack up over her chest again defensively, frowning at them.

“...maybe that’d be for the best.” she sighed, nodding. “If it could work, we’ve gotta try it, right...?”

Souji just nodded in response, smiling at her as voices resounded through his head. As it turned out, what would and wouldn’t work would do a great deal more than deepen his understanding of the girl...

Not that she minded, of course.


Re: The Biggest Mystery of All [3/3] anonymous August 12 2009, 17:52:08 UTC

Hilarious all-around, and just as the joke starts to get old Souji's total nonchalance("Huh, my dong appears to be enormous.") makes it great again.

Also: Souji/Chie is love. Good stuff.


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