
May 26, 2009 07:16

Oh gracious, I turn a blind eye for just a sexond and the second post fills up! Darlings, sweetpeas, do please forgive my tardiness. I bring you now our third installment of the fantasticousity, and would indeed love to, ah, beg your pardon in being so late about it.


In this scintillating post ( Read more... )

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Familiarity Breeds Contempt [1/?] anonymous August 19 2009, 01:06:29 UTC
It’s cold.

She shivers, slightly, and watches the snow fall. The fog is thick, stifling, and she almost can’t breathe.


“Naoto-kun,” she acknowledges, wrapping her arms around herself. There’s something in the air, something about shadows... she can’t help but feel there’s a bigger picture, somewhere.

“I think we’re missing something,” Naoto says, her voice frustrated. “If Namatame isn’t the killer, who is?”

I have no idea, she wants to say, and laughs a little hysterically at the thought. Because she does have an idea, has had an idea since Dojima took her to the police station, has had more than an idea since she was --

“Is this a private pity party, or can I join in?” Yosuke teases, the door to the restaurant loud in the eerie stillness. She gives him a sideways look and a smile.

Naoto scowls at him, her annoyance at the mystery showing. “Yosuke-sempai,” she says, curtly, then sighs. “Everything - it felt like everything led to Namatame, but I know there’s something bothering me. It isn’t coming together.”

Yosuke sighs as well, tilting his head back to stare at the endless, foggy sky. “We’re going to have to figure it out soon,” he mutters. “It’s too -- ”

“Adachi,” Souji says, and turns around. “Let’s go inside.” She heads for the restaurant without waiting for them; Yosuke sprints to catch her arm just outside the door.


She pulls away. She can’t quite hide the emotion on her face. “Don’t,” she whispers, and looks away. “Later.”

“I’ll hold you to that, partner,” he replies, confusion and a slow dawning fear in his eyes. She doesn’t acknowledge it, pretends not to recognise it, because otherwise she might just fall apart. Instead, she nods, smiles tightly, and drags him in. He lets her.

They sit at the table with the group, which has quieted. Naoto walks in not a minute after, her expression bright and resolved.

“It all makes sense,” Naoto starts, her voice low, and as she explains the murders Souji leans back and closes her eyes. Shadowy figures dance across her eyelids, fog and strange red paths that feel familiar and almost comforting. Shadows are everywhere, but she has a sword and twelve cards and she’s strong, independent, and she can fight off just about anything that gets in her way --


She opens her eyes, and it vanishes. There’s a sinking feeling in her stomach, and she wishes (not for the first time) that she and Chie had done more training in training. Maybe then... She shakes it away. Maybes and could-have-beens are for dreamers, and she has no time to dream.

Yosuke frowns at her, tugging on her arm. “Come on, you owe me an explanation.” She just notices that the rest of the party are gone, and it’s only them in the restaurant. The owner is cleaning up, sweeping away the bowls and chopsticks. She lets Yosuke pull her outside, the fog eerily yellow-green with the streetlights, and sighs.

“You know it already,” she tells him, and she knows it’s true. “There’s nothing to explain.”

He looks conflicted, emotions flitting across his face like fireflies. “I should’ve -- ”

She snorts. “What, come a little earlier? Then I would be inside the TV without a weapon.” He starts, eyes wide, and she shakes her head. “It’s done,” she says, finally, “so we should focus on catching him.”

“We’ll confront him tomorrow,” Yosuke says, quietly. “Souji...”

She pulls away, shaking her head. “I’ll see you then,” she says, already heading back to her house. Yosuke seems to begin after her, then decides against it and makes his own way home.



Familiarity Breeds Contempt [2/?] anonymous August 19 2009, 01:07:21 UTC

The note. There’s something about the note, something that she needs to connect in her head. She stares at it, her fists clenching around an invisible sword because she feels like she has all the pieces, she knows all the clues but she can’t put it together.

“Big Sis?” Nanako’s voice is quiet, tired.

“You should go to sleep, Nanako-chan,” Souji sighs, standing. “Come on,” she murmurs, picking up Nanako’s hand and walking them both to her room. “Would you like a story?”

Nanako seems to consider it, frowning. “No. Is Dad coming home?”

“I’ll wait up for him,” Souji promises. “He’ll be back soon.”

“I know,” Nanako sighs, climbing into bed. Souji reaches over and tucks the sheets firmly around her. “Good night, Big Sis.”

“Good night,” Souji says softly, closing Nanako’s bedroom door behind her, switching off the light.

She heads back to the kitchen table, avoiding the note like the plague. Don’t rescue anymore, the note says, and she has an awful feeling in her gut, a terrifying sense of something inevitable --

She isn’t going to think about that.

The door opens. She looks up, tucking the note back in her pocket casually, and gives Dojima a slightly wary smile.

“Where’s Nanako?”

“She’s in bed,” Souji says, looking down. Dojima is holding a letter. “Is that...?”

“It’s for you,” her uncle says, eyes narrowed. He hands her the letter, watching her closely. “Here.”

It’s another plain, unmarked envelope. She can feel the dread as her hands - not shaking, thankfully - carefully open it, sliding under the seal and unfolding the piece of paper, somehow already knowing what it must be.

She knows the fear is showing on her face. Someone close is friends or family, and family meant Nanako, and she closes her eyes as Dojima snatches the letter out of her hand.

“What the hell is this?!”

She can’t meet his eyes. “Uncle...”

“You’re involved in the case, aren’t you?” he says sharply, eyeing her with distrust. “What are you up to?”

She stares at her hands, twists them around. “I can’t tell you,” she says, slowly, her mind going over possible explanations, “because you wouldn’t believe me. I don’t believe me,” she continues hurriedly, as Dojima made to interrupt, “so I wouldn’t blame you, but there’s not much I can do to prove it.”

Souji isn’t a big girl, but there’s no way she’d fit inside their home television. Last time she tried a Shadow almost bit her hand off; if she can’t jump in with Teddie’s exit, she won’t, even if it would prove something.

Dojima looks disbelieving. “So you’re not going to be honest with me, I take it,” he says, and Souji thinks about the note in her pocket, thinks about chances lost and found.

“No,” she murmurs, and doesn’t object when Dojima takes her away in handcuffs. Hopefully her friends will look after Nanako; she’s sure they would have figured it out by now.



Familiarity Breeds Contempt [3/?] anonymous August 19 2009, 01:08:38 UTC
“Oh, you caught me,” Adachi says lightly, an ugly, shadowed leer on his face. “Of course, after our little dalliance, I could only expect it.”

Souji doesn’t look at the others, doesn’t say a word. Naoto frowns. “Did you kill Mayumi Yamano and Saki Konishi?”

Adachi’s eyes widen, almost comically. “Wait, you mean you didn’t tell them? No epic sob story, no pathetic girly drama...” He gives Souji an almost-disturbing grin. “Maybe I underestimated you.”

Yosuke’s fists clench, his body stiffens, and she can’t look at him. “Maybe you did,” she says instead, neutrally.

Adachi looks her up and down, deliberately, his eyes lingering on her breasts and hips. She doesn’t flinch, thinks, I’m not afraid of you. He snorts a laugh, shaking his head in evident amusement.

“Did you kill Mayumi Yamano and Saki Konishi?” Naoto repeats, frowning at the byplay. Souji keeps her eyes on Adachi.

Adachi gives Naoto a dismissive glance. “What do you think?” he asks, voice harsh, and walks up to Souji, smirking as her head rises to keep eye contact. “Mm, Souji-chan?” he asks, leaning forward and dropping his voice to something eerily intimate, distressingly familiar.

“Why did you kill them?” Souji asks, and doesn’t back away. Her eyes are narrowed.

“Why not?” Adachi answers, then spins on the spot. He gives her a knowing smile and bolts for a hospital room; Souji stands still, forcing herself to calm.

Naoto gives Souji a worried, piercing stare, and Souji shakes her head. “We can’t catch him through here,” she says, pulling on the mask of the leader, strong and capable. She clenches her jaw. “We’ll do this like normal, okay everyone?”

Kanji shakes his head, confused; Yukiko gasps suddenly, a hand over her mouth. “Souji -- ”

Souji gives the other girl her blankest look. “Right, everyone?” she repeats, and they nod.

“We’ll head for Junes,” Rise says, her voice wavering only slightly. “Teddie?”

“I’ll be able to sniff him out for certain, Sensei!” he promises, and that’s that.



Familiarity Breeds Contempt [4/5] anonymous August 19 2009, 01:10:10 UTC

She’s tired, almost. She acknowledges Adachi with a tilt of her head, watches Dojima hurry out the door, already on the phone to Nanako. The door closes behind him.

And suddenly her senses are tingling, adrenaline is rushing through her veins. She closes her eyes and tries to slow her swiftly-beating heart, tries to reassure herself there isn’t a threat, there aren’t any shadows and the TV is barely large enough for her to fit in --

Adachi is perilously close, his breath on her ear. “Well, looks like we’re alone, Souji-chan,” he whispers, and Souji’s mind blanks.

He pulls away and laughs at the look on her face, but there’s an unmistakable leer in his voice. “Whatever could we do,” he wonders, almost tauntingly, and Souji fiercely wishes Dojima had unlocked the handcuffs, wishes Naoto had taught her how to get out of them, wishes she had learnt how to kick like Chie. She’s weaponless, hands behind her back, and she can’t think, can’t breathe.

His mouth is on hers, and her head is forced back as their teeth click together, as she brings her teeth down on his tongue and stomps her heel on the instep of his foot. He breaks away, hissing as she tries to knee him in the groin, but he’s laughing.

“A fighter, hm?” he says, eyes wild, and she suddenly regrets it, because it’s inevitable and she’s made everything just a little worse. This time when he grabs for her she kicks out with her feet, kicks and struggles and does all she can, because it’s - it’s as bad as it will get.

He still manages to manhandle her flat onto the floor, clicks another set of handcuffs around one ankle and attaches it to the table leg. She’s short of breath and calling, calling, help me, please, ishtarkohyrulilithatropos and all her personas run together in her mind, all of them blank and unresponsive. Izanagi, she thinks, desperately. Please.

Adachi tears away her shirt and bites at the skin covering her collarbone, hard enough to draw blood. She closes her eyes and he hits her head, making her neck snap to the side. It brings tears to her eyes, tears she blinks back as she opens them.

“Look at me, Souji-chan,” he murmurs, rocking back on his heels, grinning like he’s won. He hasn’t, she decides, and she takes a deep breath, fortifies herself. She won’t let this break her.

She can’t.

It doesn’t help with the pain as he squeezes her breasts, bites them savagely. It doesn’t help when he pulls away her skirt and panties, doesn’t help with her wince as he pushes into her carelessly. He says, “Fuck yes, you’re such a fucking slut - just like that, you bitch, just like you fucking deserve,” and she bites the inside of her cheek so hard it bleeds.

She dreams of being inside the TV, of having a sword in her hands, shuffling personas like cards. She dreams of her friends beside her, of pride and affection, of destroying their enemies and being strong, strong, strong --

He presses forward to kiss her, blood and sweat and saliva, when he comes. She brings her teeth down hard on his lip but he just grins and spits to the side, pulling out and tucking himself away.

She doesn’t want to know what she looks like now, violated and weak, unable to do anything to save herself.

“Well,” he says, eyes glittering, “not such a bad fuck after all; hey Souji-chan,” he taunts, “wonder what they’d say if I left you here like this?”

She gives him her fiercest glare, which isn’t very intimidating at the moment. She pushes herself up with her shaking arms, pulls her legs together. She pushes down all emotion, because she can’t afford it now, can’t afford not to be strong. “You wouldn’t,” she says, and her voice doesn’t waver.

“Nah,” he says, and suddenly it’s like nothing ever happened, like he’s the same man who endlessly spills secrets about the case, who helps them out when they need more information, “I’m not that cruel.” He grins and bends down to her, flicks her braid and slides two keys into her bound hands.

Then, he turns and leaves, closing the door behind him.



Familiarity Breeds Contempt [5/5] anonymous August 19 2009, 01:11:43 UTC

He plays with them, but it’s nothing. Souji does her job and Adachi’s finally captured, transported to the hospital and then to jail.

The girls try to hug her more, and Yosuke in particular seems to not know what to do. She calls them out on it before too long, says, “It’s okay. It’s over.”

It’s mostly true.


She spends a day at home, in the shower. She scrubs herself until her skin is rubbed raw, and sits curled up on the tiled floor. No one is there to question her.

The next day she’s back at school, the same, familiar routine, and they head into the TV world like usual that afternoon.


Op anonymous August 19 2009, 19:53:17 UTC
Woke up and saw this.
It was amazing, thanks so much~♥ :)


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