Apr 26, 2006 03:01
well now i can finally move on, and it feels damn good. i found if i need to get over someone, i just stop talking to them in general. it works unbelievably well, maybe that's cause im very strong minded. drinking yourself to sleep gets annoying. but i am pretty much fine now so im happy and am looking forward to a summer full of kickass times!. i would be a fool to let a girl bring me down for an extended period of time, and i would let myself down. i have a pact with myself as to try not to let myself down, and never ever take my own life. that has happened with people close to me more then enough. no matter how horrible this world is, and how horrible people really are, i will never take my own life, ever. have i been depressed? have i been pretty fucked up? damn right i have, but that's life. i like to deal with my problems straight up, no medication, thereapy, nothing. i look down on people who have to take medications to be happy and cant find anything else to make em happy. those drugs are probably ingredientless pills that psychiatrists trick you into thinking its actully something to change your mood, i wouldnt doubt it in a fucking heartbeat. IT'S ALL IN THE HEAD PEOPLE!. it's all in your fucking head. if you need medications to help you feel better, then whoever your psychiatrist was didn't do a good enough fucking job in helping you obviously. also what the fuck anti-depressant increase suicidal behavior and thoughts? fucking dipshits! that is what they are supposed to fucking help!. why are people so stupid?, it just baffles me at how a psychiatrist who is trying to help you prescribes a fucking drug that just worsens your fucking problem. god i love people. we should take the warning labels off of everything and let natural selection take it's course or something. TA TA FOR NOW!