Jun 13, 2005 23:00
badazangel (9:48:04 PM): Sexy
Sexy (9:48:25 PM): hey
Sexy (9:48:30 PM): i'm moving to cali
Sexy (9:48:40 PM): i'm packing right now
badazangel (9:48:41 PM): what?
Sexy (9:48:42 PM): hold on
Sexy (9:48:48 PM): and i cant stop crying
Sexy (9:48:52 PM): i dont know why though
badazangel (9:49:00 PM): im goin to call u answer
Sexy (9:49:07 PM): no
Sexy (9:49:13 PM): i dont have my phone
badazangel (9:49:21 PM): call me please
Sexy (9:49:28 PM): its in my moms car and
Sexy (9:49:35 PM): and my knees are too week top walk
badazangel (9:49:39 PM): i wanna talk to u
badazangel (9:50:15 PM): please tell me ur joking
badazangel (9:50:22 PM): cause ur making cry
Sexy (9:50:43 PM): i wish i could
Sexy(9:50:51 PM): hold on
badazangel (9:51:12 PM): u can't leave especially without saying goodbye
Sexy (9:52:11 PM): i'm not leaving til wednesday
badazangel (9:52:26 PM): r u gonna go to practice?
Sexy (9:52:37 PM): nope
Sexy (9:52:40 PM): cant stop crynig
Sexy (9:52:42 PM): hold on
badazangel (9:52:49 PM): please i need to see u before u go
badazangel (9:53:05 PM): and i can't stop crying either
badazangel (9:54:10 PM): i don't want u to go
badazangel (9:54:22 PM): u just made drum major
badazangel (9:54:29 PM): u can't go
badazangel (9:54:58 PM): i love you and i say u can't go Sexy
badazangel (9:59:18 PM): Sexy?
Sexy (10:09:25 PM): hold on
badazangel (10:09:30 PM): k
Sexy (10:31:52 PM): didnt mean to make u cry
Sexy (10:31:52 PM): sorry
Sexy(10:31:52 PM): i was just5 playing
Sexy (10:31:52 PM): that was the hjoke kids
Sexy (10:31:52 PM): hello?
Sexy (10:32:42 PM): u there babe?
Sexy (10:32:43 PM): hello?
badazangel (10:32:45 PM): hello
badazangel (10:33:14 PM): u know im so gonna kick ur ass
badazangel (10:33:21 PM): i was seriously crying
Sexy (10:33:23 PM): didnt mean to make u cry
Sexy: sorry
Sexy: i was just5 playing
Sexy: that was the hjoke kids
Sexy: hello?
Sexy: u there babe?
Sexy (10:33:49 PM): lol
Sexy (10:33:49 PM): i'm so sorry
badazangel (10:33:52 PM): seriously my eyes r all watery
Sexy (10:33:56 PM): when u kick it, make sure u hit my spot
badazangel (10:34:02 PM): ok i will
Sexy (10:34:02 PM): oh yeah
badazangel (10:34:34 PM): lol
Sexy (10:35:48 PM): lol
Sexy (10:35:48 PM): oh yeah
Sexy (10:35:48 PM): my spoot
Sexy (10:36:02 PM): whoops spoot?
badazangel (10:36:03 PM): my mom said she is gonna kick ur ass
Sexy (10:37:06 PM): whops
Sexy (10:37:06 PM): oh yeah
Sexy (10:37:06 PM): mary
Sexy (10:37:06 PM): kick it real good
Sexy (10:37:06 PM): is she reading this?
Sexy (10:37:17 PM): i hop not
Sexy (10:37:17 PM): hope not
badazangel (10:37:18 PM): yes she is
badazangel (10:37:37 PM): she's laughing at ur dumbass
Sexy (10:37:47 PM): danielle will look so awesome with dread locks
Sexy (10:38:01 PM): so would mary
Sexy (10:38:01 PM): mary should get dreads
badazangel (10:38:01 PM): y u changing the subject
Sexy (10:38:19 PM): lol
Sexy (10:38:19 PM): is she still reading?
badazangel (10:38:25 PM): yes
Sexy (10:38:25 PM): cuz if not.........................................
badazangel (10:38:30 PM): perv
Sexy (10:38:32 PM): i love mary
Sexy (10:38:36 PM): i was at practice today
Sexy (10:38:43 PM): lol
Sexy (10:38:43 PM): perv?
badazangel (10:38:46 PM): mary didn't see u
Sexy (10:38:49 PM): peeeeeevert
Sexy (10:38:55 PM): like that episode of rossane
badazangel (10:38:56 PM): ok she left
Sexy (10:39:07 PM): she wasnt there
Sexy (10:39:14 PM): i was there all day, i swear
badazangel (10:39:19 PM): lol
badazangel (10:39:47 PM): i swear u joke like that again i will kill u
Sexy (10:39:51 PM): what?
Sexy (10:40:06 PM): i got a right to be wrong, my mistakes only make me strong
badazangel (10:40:19 PM): oh so u like to make me cry
Sexy (10:40:24 PM): i made that up
Sexy (10:40:24 PM): oh yeah
Sexy (10:40:49 PM): no i dont
Sexy (10:40:49 PM): only on the weekends
Sexy (10:40:54 PM): lol
Sexy (10:42:40 PM): i text Bitchard, and he didnt text back
Sexy (10:42:41 PM): why not?
badazangel (10:43:08 PM): i don't think he wants to talk to anyone associated with me
Sexy (10:43:25 PM): oh my god, even me?
Sexy (10:43:31 PM): but i thought he loved me
badazangel (10:43:34 PM): haha
Sexy (10:43:57 PM): lol
Sexy (10:43:57 PM): hey
Sexy (10:44:04 PM): i'm gonna gop to bed now
Sexy (10:44:04 PM): go to
badazangel (10:44:28 PM): r u going to practice 2morrow?
Sexy (10:44:32 PM): *********goodnight**********love you************muuuuaaah*************
Sexy (10:44:47 PM): nope
Sexy (10:44:47 PM): going to cali
Sexy (10:44:55 PM): just for the week
badazangel (10:44:56 PM): goodnight love you too muuuuuuaaaaah
badazangel (10:45:05 PM): ok bring me something from there
Sexy(10:45:14 PM): did u get that?
badazangel (10:45:21 PM): i want something pretty
Sexy (10:45:22 PM): where i'm going, just for the week?
Sexy (10:45:27 PM): i will
badazangel (10:45:28 PM): cali
Sexy (10:45:34 PM): like a shirt
Sexy(10:45:34 PM): or sand
Sexy(10:45:34 PM): or sun
Sexy (10:45:44 PM): i will bring u sun
badazangel (10:45:46 PM): anything pretty
Sexy (10:45:51 PM): or water
badazangel (10:45:54 PM): haha
Sexy (10:45:55 PM): water and sun
badazangel (10:46:00 PM): i got sand from there
Sexy (10:46:02 PM): sun is pretty
Sexy (10:46:06 PM): goodnight
badazangel (10:46:10 PM): goodnight
Sexy (10:46:11 PM): lol
Sexy (10:46:15 PM): seriously?
Sexy (10:46:21 PM): lol
Sexy (10:46:21 PM): bye bye babe
badazangel (10:46:29 PM): bye bye sweetie