Mar 27, 2009 18:47

It's all to peaceful now that Tsuzuki is on Kyoto. [More than four days without explosions, seems like a record] Watari sent me a report, but I wonder how him and Hisoka are doing.

[If Muraki it's really the murderer of all that women, things can end badly again. I don't care if Watari thinks that Tsuzuki and the kid are the perfect ones to ( Read more... )

muraki the bastard, inner thoughts, doomed, virus, kyoto arc, tatsumi, hisoka, tsuzuki, work

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blueflamechild March 27 2009, 18:12:08 UTC
Have you re-read what you wrote? You might be giving away more than you intended to. what with the colored text and everything. It's all over the place! Is this what the viruses here are like?


badasssecretary March 27 2009, 21:35:06 UTC
What I wr... [WHAT THE HELL...!?] What is that, Kite?


blueflamechild March 27 2009, 21:42:01 UTC
It's a virus. A good part of the community has been infected. It aparently spells out what you think, and you will be unable to screen or delete it. So you should either keep your thoughts well in check, which will probably be difficult, given how much you seem to be hiding, or you refrain from posting here and hope it fixes itself.


he appreciates the explanation, but he's having a mental break, sorry for the rude reply ^^' badasssecretary March 27 2009, 21:48:50 UTC
A virus? But..how can a virus do that It..s it have no sense at all....And I'm not hiding anything! [Oh my, that's bad.. that's really bad. How much they know now??]


Oh Kite realizes people are freaking out, don't worry. ^^; blueflamechild March 27 2009, 21:59:01 UTC
It's due to you being a part of this community. And considering the proportion of red text to black, there are many things you don't say and therefore hide, yes. I do not mean to offend you.
As for your question, people know everything you thought when you posted that entry. Please calm down Tatsumi-san. Maybe you should just leave the computer now.


^__^thanks! <3 kite so cute badasssecretary March 27 2009, 22:55:47 UTC
...... it's dark red. I'm not offended, sorry for my lack of self control, Kite.

[I think that I will go to hit my head against a wall now.]


^^; and he's trying to do some damage control here... blueflamechild March 27 2009, 22:59:46 UTC
Tsuzuki-san is from your world as well, right? Even if he's not with you right now, maybe you should contact him somehow. He should be able to access this community from Kyoto, and we have no way of knowing if he's infected too. And I didn't talk to him much, but he doesn't seem to keep himself in check as well as you do.


Not going to work, he's emo now..but Tatsumi don't do emo, he does angry >: badasssecretary March 27 2009, 23:29:29 UTC
He is, but he's in the middle of [A murder case] some important business and It will be better if I don't disturb him. I hope that he isn't. [because if he is, god knows that we are doomed...what the hell he will be thinking? Sweets probably but I can't take the risk.]

You're affected too i see. [That doesn't help me at all]


^^; Oh well, it was worth a shot. blueflamechild March 27 2009, 23:43:53 UTC
I see.

Yes I am. But it's not as hard for me to keep myself in check, since I usually type what I think anyway. ...in any case, you might still want to stay away from this community for a while, seeing as you're still giving away information that you might want to stay secret.


if it helps, he's angry with the comm, not you :3 badasssecretary March 27 2009, 23:57:04 UTC
It's probably a wise idea, thanks Kite [The las thing I need it letting people know that I'm a shinigam..no no no no!]

Can you do me a favour and not talk about what you read with anyone?


Well, since people are freaking out all over the place... oh well, he's had worse. blueflamechild March 27 2009, 23:59:25 UTC
I won't, but it would probably be wise to lock your comments from now on. All the information you've revealed so far can be viewed by everyone after all.


He had? With Eris or in general? XD badasssecretary March 28 2009, 00:20:53 UTC
Thanks, I tried to edit it, but like you said it's impossible.

[I can always ask Watari to help me, he's better than I with technology. But he's with Tsuzuki now..I wonder when Watari will come back. He would probably laugh at me and use the virus to ask me ridiculous things and make me want to kill him. Lucky for him that he's already dead.].]


In his own canon. And with Eris, so yeah. blueflamechild March 28 2009, 00:23:36 UTC
Well, maybe it really would be better if you just stayed away from here for a few days. I'm told a virus like this one lasts 4 days at max.

...goodbye for now, Tatsumi-san.


XD poor man badasssecretary March 28 2009, 01:04:34 UTC
Yes yes...Ii will try to do that. [4 days????.]

Godbye, Kite. And Tatsumi it's just fine.


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