What a long weekend. We had so many good things going on this weekend. Time for another extended list.
* Thursday was my interview at the crack of ass, I think it went well, keeps fingers crossed.
* Spent the day with my folks after interview, took little man to Castle Island for his first time for a little bit of a walk. He loved it.
* Friday yoga with
copiecatand babies, sweated my you-know-whats off. I stood on my head, with a little assistance of a machine. I'm a little more confident that I might be able to do it on my own soon.
* Swimming in
donkeytool's pool. Joey had his first go and he loved it, Aislinn not so much but she was a little tired.
* Kids played and moms talked, it was nice to have some girl talk
* Saw Order of the Phoenix, loved it but still think Transformers is better. I liked the book better of OotP.
* Saturday birthday party for brother and sister-in-law. Translation... drinking and fun times wtih my friend Garry!!!!!!!!!!!!! We toppled the moonwalk, doesn't get much better.
* Sunday early start with my two favorite men, bacon and pancakes and then a nap followed by pool time.
* Joey got to go in Auntie Katy's pool with his mommy daddy and nana, he was a little annoyed with me at first then wanted to swim on his own.
* Chicken cutlets and mashed potatoes at nana's for dinner followed by sshhh transformers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay I got to see it again!! It was even better than the first time.
Now I'm back to work where today it's very mellow and reflective. Little Connor passed away yesterday. I hope that he's not in anymore pain and is at peace watching over his mom, dad, younger siblings and family.