Jul 18, 2009 22:13
What would you do if I sang out of tiune? Would syou stand up and walk oput on me?
so I cant type very weill right now for whatever reason so I am jsut going with it. Recently found outa bout my enw roommate for next year,a nd she seem sreaaly cool. I mean, it is impossibleto know someone just by talking to them on the phone twice, thrice, however many times..but i still think we will be aboe to get along just fine...
i dont know much about what is going to happen nezt year but I hope it will be fabulous. Cant friggin spell. I wish I wish I was a fish. What os that from"???
Really been just stressed about George. I wish he couold just getg better, like, noww.
My thought procces is somehow disablede right now. WTF?
Am I a bad person for wishing my roommate wasn't black?
No. I just want normalcy in my life and .. and... .... .. I have no excuse. Whatev
I have nothing to saay. I am lost in translation with my self
fuck this post. -jk