[Hey SBG. HEY SBG GUESS WHAT. Goose is pissed! Normally, that might not seem that amazing, but let me tell you, it's a feat to get him mad. This? This was just too far for him. A joke putting the whole school into mass hysteria over thinking they're dying and him making a fool of himself? Not good. Not good for his ego either.
Mostly, though? He just didn't treat death lightly.
Thus, the only thing he said publically over the journal network was this.]
Whoever's responsible is gettin' this security guard's boot to their ass.
Heh. Or worse.
Think any of you know who did this?
I ain't letting no one get by me.
[Um. Oh boy. He really hoped Surge wasn't mad at him for (more than likely) scaring him to death. Ha. Ha. Haaaa. Oh dear.]
So... h-heh...
How's the weather? [FAIL]