Oct 17, 2004 20:57
This weekend was okay.. didnt go to the ranch.. who cares. All i think about is about my report card. I dont know how to tell my parents. I cant let them see it, i have to tell them before they see it.. so damn frustrating. damn it. damn it. This week i need to go off in school. Sophomore year is allright, i thought it was gonna be betta tho. a/w we had a game today. we lost 1-0. we need to stop losing lol. man, my mom is totally stoked with the world series. i cant stand basedball tho. but if i really wanted someone to win it would be the red sox. whoa rite now im watching lizzie mcguire or whoever you spell that. Hilary looks kinda small? lol. haha josh told me that team america world police was hilarious..lol, and that they have this hardcore puppet sex scene.. i thought that was hilarious. well im kinda tired now so im gonna go. peace