Mar 29, 2008 21:48
I'm fucking upset right now. I don't even have the words. But here I am typing all the same.
So yesterday, I found out this unit, in my beloved Army, changed their block leave from June to July. And according to my sergeant, if I put in for June, there's a "pretty good chance" it WON'T get approved. So how happy am I?
You know what too? Fuck my 21st birthday. Fuck all 3 of my sibling's birthdays. Fuck cousin John's wedding even. I just want to be home for Cass' graduation, that's all. I'd be the happiest guy on earth if they gave me 3 goddamn leave days and told me to go home for the graduation.
So nothing's final yet, and you bet my bottom dollar I'm going to put in for leave. Time and time again. I'll talk to whoever I need to. If I get shot down, that's it. I won't even think about considering thinking about re-enlisting. That'll be fucking it. Fuck EOD, everything, that'll be the last straw.
I haven't even told anyone yet. I can't, I don't know how. Poor Cass, he'll be crushed. I want to exhaust all my resources first, but also I don't want to milk this thing along and have to tell Cass a week from his graduation I'm not going to make it. I don't know. Fuck.