Just updating

May 13, 2005 11:46

Whats up all my fellow dorks your King is still alive and kickin. Working all the time hell during the week about all i do is sleep and work it kinda sucks cause i dont get to spend the time w austin i want to but i do my best even if it means not sleeping as much he is my world and im gonna do whatever i can to make his life better no matter what may happen to me in the process my job is to raise him and make his life a good one and teach him all the morals and life lessons i can before he learns them on his own. Other than that not much has changed works goin good still missing peeps but whats new cant wait i hope i get to see issac this weekend austin wants to go play w him so i think ill get to if i can get ahold of them oh well whats new lol. I blew a brake line on the camaro so now its in the shop they said they wont get it fixed till monday im havin them look at my idleing problem also while its in there my dad said hell help me pay for it all now and i can make payments to him if i cant afford it now its nice im finally back to makin as much monay as i did when i was 21 damn all these yrs beein broke sucked aass but things r def lookin up well thats all for now folks laterz your KiNg Of DoRkS has spoken so it was written so it is so
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