May 09, 2008 16:59
If you opened it, you have to do it. [No, no you don't, but if you have time, then do it... or post it to your LJ]
Then, send it back to the person who sent it to you and to anyone else you'd like to know things about!
Two Names You Go By: (other than your given name)
1. Steve
2. E-Mama (Drama!)
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. My Trouble(!) Shirt
2. black work pants
Two Things You Would Want in a Relationship:
1. Love
2. Understanding
Two of Your Favorite Things to Do: (other than being with kids, family, or dear friends)
1. Play Video Games
2. Work(!) and hang out with friends
Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:
1.For my laundry to be done for me
2. For the dreary rain to stop.
Two Pets You Have:
1. Shooz Narnoo Puddles (upgraded to Lakes) Jigglypuff Sonsini
2. Carbuncle (go go inside jokes with Kim!)
Two People Who Will Fill this Out: (and the first to send it back)
1. Kim when she gets internet access!
2. Katrina!!!
Two Things You Did Last Night:
1. Slept
2. Ate Water Ice!
Two Things You Ate Yesterday:
1. Salad
2. Chicken Tenders
Two People You Last Talked To:
1. La-La
2. Tom
Two Things You're Doing Tomorrow:
1. Seeing my uncle and aunt
2. Working
Favorite Holidays:
1. My Friend's birthdays (WE GO OUT AND DRINK WOOT)
2. Christmas
Favorite Beverages:
1. Nos
2. Vault
Here's what you're supposed to do... And please do not spoil the fun. Hit forward, delete my answers and type in your answers. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know INCLUDING the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn little known facts about those whom you know.