Title: After the Falls (1/1), inspired by the original ACD story "The Adventure of the Empty House"
Series: BBC Sherlock
Word count: 2,666
Category: Friendship/Slash
Rating: G
Summary: Sherlock Holmes has been dead seven months and two days. Or has he?
Once again, I have to thank
verityburns for both her encouragement and her time. Her critique of this
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Why didn't you share all this perfect pieces sooner? ♥
And I guess part of it is that I know you guys. I mean, I care about your opinion. Most of the folks on DeviantArt are strangers to me, so it was a little easier to put myself out there in that forum.
I'm really pleased that you and other folks I've gotten to know a bit better from sign_of_fun are enjoying them.
Also, your icon fits the description of Sherlock exactly. I mean, obviously, that's how Benedict looks. But that icon hits all the points I focused on: almond eyes, long yet blunt-tipped nose, vaguely heart-shaped lips. :-)
And I feel very honoured to be one of those that somehow matter. Very, very honoured. Thank you! *hugs*
It's a wonderful icon, isn't it? I love it. His whole expression is just wonderful and I want to hug him every time I see it. And the background colour almost matches his eyes perfectly which is even better!
I think I need more Blackadder icons.
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