Jun 23, 2014 14:29
There are some things from the past, I kind of feel better about. It was never really an issue ... Melyane has been working on the power module of the OPIS project. I never took issue at her after the Javier/Julie heat, but Melyane has been a good friend of both of them. I know she's one of those people who doesn't let other people's shit get in the way of just being herself. I've been sending her emails asking for clarification of some of her stuff so I can do my connector designations, block diagrams etc. pretty good. Today after the meeting, she asked me if I ever took a particular class at JHU, with Jabolonski. JHU isn't an experience, unless people have taken a class by Jabolonski, which is always a nightmare for everyone since he doesn't teach he just rants on his political view points, perspectives - anything not related to the subject. I said I haven't, but I'd ask friends if they have. We talked for a little bit. I'm just glad, it was really refreshing to talk to her.