Fuck you <3

Oct 07, 2004 17:07

Okay its been awhile so i'll just start from thursday

I don't remember school but after school i talked to amir <3 online and i said i wanted pizza and he came with me so we met up at redwing n went to umberto's.. after that i came home n did my homework n shit n tahts all i remember.

Today- We had extended am assembly so classes were 29 minutes = ) we had a prayer serve with the juinors it was stupid but afterwards we went to homeroom n we had breakfast n no1 in our class brought anything in so we all stole food from other homerooms n we had alot = ) i had a bagel n cookies mm.

Science - it was good cause we had liek 10 minutes of the class so we just did our homework..

Global Studies - it was mr heitners birthday n someone gave him a barbie doll and we watched a clip from saturday night live when they made fun of the presidents n then we reviewed the test so it was good..

Scripture- Got our tests back i got a 61 = (

English- just corrected hw n got our tests back and i got an 80 = )

English Skills- we took some notes and started to go over hw and i got to leave early to go to guidance and meet my math tutor.. hes a freshmen n hes not to hott hes kind of nerdy = (

Math- got our tests back i got a 48 = (

Thats all it was a bad day cause i failed math and scripture and my math tutor isnt hott and in the morning i tried to talk 2 amber but she rather go tell some guy who has a boyfriend that she likes him rather than listening to her best friend say sorry about the fight. So now im pissed n im not talkin 2 her ever again. That slut. = ] k thats all <3 comment biatchs <3
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