I'm writing again

Dec 24, 2008 19:14

Why am I writing in LiveJournal again? Because I want to. Not because my roommates are bullying me into it, but... *breaks into terrible '90s British pop* BECAUSE WE WANT TO! BECAUSE WE WANT TO!

Wow. Sorry about that outburst. That was uncalled for.

By the way, would you LOOK at that icon I have up! Oh my God I loves it! It's from Princess Tutu, which, despite the name, is probably the best anime ever to be made. If you haven't seen it, do it now. NOW, BITCH. The first few episodes may be a bit overly Shoujo-ish, but it gets REALLY good. Oh, and if you do watch it, remember to watch in Japanese. In the English dub they take some pretty girly characters *cough - every guy in the show - COUGH* and try to make them more manly for our non-Japanese senibilities. It doesn't work well.

Speaking of nerdy shows to watch, any of my adoring fans who watch Dr. Who should see this video -
It's a Monty Python Dalek! YAAAAAAAAAY!

Um, should I have put that under a cut? I'm not sure how to do that yet, but I'll figure it out eventually. Anyway, I guess Viewer Discretion is Advised for the above link. If sound bites from Monty Python or Daleks scare or disturb you, please don't look at the link.

Aaaand before I go, I just want everyone reading this to know how miraculous it is that I can post at all. I was stranded in New Jersey for several days because of the snow. I was with Hannah, so it was all good and fun, but I did not have much access to the internetz at her house. So I am pleased to be able to write this.

Bye, peeps. Oh, and I think it might be almost Christmas, so Merry Christmas to all of you who are celebrating. Maybe next time I'll put up some writing. Or some pictures of my kiiiiiiiities, who are adorable little monsters as usual.

blabber, princess tutu, dr. who

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