RP Log, starring Faylen

Feb 13, 2009 23:44

Faylen plans a romantic surprise for Roy on Valentine's Day, but will everything fall in the right place?

Faylen: ::after having kicked Roy out of the room for awhile, she runs around making the last of the arrangements. She’d moved the beds to one end of the room, and kicked everything on the floor under them leaving a large open area in the middle of the room. She’d put one of their sheets on the ground and set up everything as an indoor picnic. She just hoped that Roy would appreciate everything she’d done…and the new dress Josephine had given her::

Roy: This is RIDICULOUS! How long am I gonna be kept outta my own room?! *pouts and crosses his arms* Tch, girls..!! ...... *sticks his ear real close to the door, it would seem he's more upset about not knowing what's going on than not being in his room at the time* ...Just what are you hiding from me, you...

Faylen: Eep..Roy! I said WAIT A MINUTE! ::looks around the room again to make sure it’s ok::…ok ok…coming. ::opens the door dressed in this::

Roy: *furiously busts the door open as soon as it's unlocked and stomps right past her, but suddenly stops when he realizes this isn't the room he left* --What the?! What is-- Faylen? *turns around to look at her for some kind of explanation and suddenly jumps back, almost knocking over a vase* F-Faylen?? Are you... wh-what is... *trying to correct the position of the vase, but it's hard when he can't keep his eyes off her*

Faylen: ::stands there, swishing the skirt back and forth nervously:: Surprise! ….Ya ok?

Roy: *doesn't get the surprise yet ;;* Ye-yeah, I'm just.. what, why're ya wearing that? Is that the new bakery uniform? It is? 'Cause if it is, I'm suddenly feeling hungry!! It's still open, yeah? We can make it and-- *getting too excited about the image of a room full of girls dressed like that*

Faylen: No it’s nothing like that. ::fidgeting with the hem:: It’s just something Josephine made for me. But hey! If you’re hungry we don’t gotta go to the bakery! Check it out~! ::skitters behind him and plops on the edge of the sheet, skirt fluttering dangerously high as she does so:: See? ::starts taking the covers off of the plates, revealing many different kinds of sweets::

Roy: *blushes just by watching her and unsure what to say. He scratches his head, looking down for a moment while trying to process what he just walked into here* ...Wait, so all this was... this is what ya did while I was outside?

Faylen: Yeah…well it took longer than that…I mean, I’ve been cooking this stuff for the past few days. ::blush:: so umm…surprise!

Roy: ... *smiles warmly* Really? There ain't no way you cooked all this. *sits down next to her and glances through all his options, and although he's super happy, he's not entirely sure where to start!* So what'cha got here, hm?

Faylen: Um…lots of stuff ::starts reaching around for plates:: We got cookies, cakes, tarts, those weird donut things but with cream in them. Here! ::holds up one of the plates of cookies for him:: I fixed the recipe so it would have enough sugar!

Roy: On second thought, i-it's gotta be your cooking...! *happily takes the plate and is about to eat one of the cookies until he interrupts himself* --this ain't a conventional lunch break, is it? Are we celebrating something? 'Cause you look kinda good, and me, I'm like some kinda bum-- check it out! *points at a cranberry juice stain on his scarf* Why didn't I clean this?!

Faylen: Ya look fine! ::blush:: I mean…ya don’t gotta worry about it. It.. it’s Valentine’s day, and girls are s’possed to give guys chocolate and things so I thought I’d give it a try….::puffs up to hide that she’s nervous:: Now are ya gonna eat it or not!?

Roy: I'm eating..!! *stuffs two cookies in his mouth, but continues the conversation even when he's chewing* See? ...So you're doin' this 'cause of Valentine's Day, hey? And here I thought I was doin' something right. *picks up a tart* But y'know what? I don't care, 'cause it's still delicious! *devours the entire tart* And I'm gonna eat you, and you, and you~ *points at various delicacies as he says it*

Faylen: ::giggles at his antics:: If ya get sick though it’s not my fault. ::blushes and looks away:: It’s not…just.. ‘cause of Valentines Day…you’re making a mess Roy ::grabs a napkin and tries to wipe his face::

Roy: A mess? It ain't that-- *still babbling even when she's trying to wipe him* I-I'm just showing enthusiasm 'bout this! What do they call it... oh yeah! I'm eating with gusto! Have ya ever seen a bigger gusto than this? I bet ya haven't! --What were you saying? *suddenly attentive again*

Faylen: ::puts the napkin down satisfied that he’s clean:: No, ya’ve got the biggest gusto. ::giggles:: Huh? I don’t know…I think I said you were making a mess.

Roy: Oh, that's all? *takes her word for it and then glances around from where he's sitting* ...But I gotta say, I'm definitely surprised. If I told Faylon that ya dressed like a girl and actually cooked all this, he'd never believe me! Bahahaha!

Faylen: Hey! Whatcha mean dressed like a girl? I am a girl, so I always dress like one! ::pouts:: It’s not like you or the dummy dressing like a girl…Do ya think I look that bad?

Roy: *still laughing* I didn't say that! But c'mon, a dress? How often do ya wear those, Faylen? You couldn't even bring yourself to wear Lyon's outfit...

Faylen: I could too wear Lyon’s outfit. I only didn’t cause YOU laughed at me! Hmpf ::looks the other way still pouting:: Maybe ya just don’t know as much ‘bout me as I know’ bout you.

Roy: I.. I didn't laugh! That's just how my face looks, a'ight?! But whaddya mean I dunno as much 'bout you? ...Ya got some kinda illness or something?

Faylen: Ya did to. ::blush:: Noo…just…ya kinda don’t notice lots of things sometimes.

Roy: What a bunch of bull... *scoffs* Okay, so I don't notice sometimes, but I KNOW you! I know what ya like, I know yer favourite food! It's, it's-- okay, so I dunno that either, but I bet it's something that you can eat! Something like ice cream, so there!!

Faylen: Ok so ya guessed that…But I know yours too! Do ya think I woulda made all these extra sweet sweets if ya didn’t like ‘em?..You do like it right? ::swaying nervously again::

Roy: But I couldn't have guessed it if I didn't know ya! ...And I like 'em, why wouldn't I? *eagerly eats more just to prove a point* But if I'm gonna get huge like Cornelio for eating too many of these, then I'm takin' ya with me. *takes a piece of the cake and offers it to her* Besides... I -noticed- ya didn't have anything yet, so...

Faylen: ::giggles:: oh you’re actually gonna share? Maybe there is stuff ‘bout ya I don’t know ::plops the cake in her mouth and talks around it:: ‘sides. I wouldn’t let that happen to ya. I’d start cookin’ something else until ya got healthy again.

Roy: *rubs his nose with the palm of his hand, seemingly comfortable with that thought* Ya say that like we're married...

Faylen: ::blush:: Well…we’ve been with each other pretty much our whole lives…it’d be pretty weird ta not be anymore. I mean…well that time when you went off by yourself before we found ya, didn’t ya miss me.. us?

Roy: ...*did miss them every day, but left them because he thought they were better off without his influence* ...Yeah, 'bout that. I was just testing ya guys, to see how far you would follow me. *sly grin* Hell, it took you long enough to find me, too!

Faylen: Yeah well, you cheated by switching countries! ::bumps into him playfully:: Sides…I found ya over time too…you aren’t getting rid of me. And no more tryin’ too!

Roy: *drops a cookie out of his hand as he's bumped into* A-alright, I won't! Sheesh, like I'm gonna! *grumbles; picks it up again and dusts it off* Besides, that time travel thing was just a freak coincidence! Orrrr maybe it was fate. *raises his eyebrows as he thinks about that more* Bound by fate, huh? ...Say, I like the sound of that.

Faylen: ::smiles around a cookie:: Yeah, I like that too. Bound by fate…cool. ::leans over and rests her head on his shoulder finishing the cookie::

Roy: *wonders about that illness again, it's too early for her to feel tired! Despite that, he allows her to rest on his shoulder anyway, trying hard not to move around so much, thinking it will somehow make her feel more comfortable. He only moves his head to nervously look up at the ceiling* .....H-happy Valentine's Day, Faylen.
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