
Sep 29, 2008 19:38

[ A young woman with a sleek black box dangling from her shoulder trudges impatiently along the path between a barn and the main building. She's disgruntled looking and sounding! ... The mumbles under her breath are nigh incomprehensible, but hey ( Read more... )

lotta hart

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sweetandbitchy September 30 2008, 01:52:43 UTC
*she gazes curiously at Lotta as she walks down the path, frowning lightly, before giving her characteristic gentle smile*

Excuse me? Miss? Are you alright...?


hartlyworking September 30 2008, 01:58:07 UTC
[ Stops because holy crap human contact. ]

Am I... what? Am I alright? ... Ain't got no bruises or nothin', but I sure ain't alright, for one thing!

[ Actually looks at Dahlia. ]

... Well ain't you Miss Prim an' Proper? What's a gal like you doin' on a farm? ... 'S mattera fact, what am I doin' here? You know where we are?


sweetandbitchy September 30 2008, 02:05:16 UTC
*she's trying to actually make sense of what she's saying, but nods in all the right places anyways* Ah, well, that's good then...

*a surprised pause* Miss Prim and Proper? Ah-ha, I wouldn't say that, miss... *small smile* This place is called Fende Farm- apparently, people from all sorts of different times and worlds have been, ah... kidnapped, I suppose- for lack of a better term-, by someone or something, and brought here.

At least, that's the story I've been told, miss. But from what I've seen, I don't doubt that it's true.


[1/3] hartlyworking September 30 2008, 02:11:16 UTC
Well, back where I'm from, gals wearin' frilly pink clothes an' carryin' lacy parasol--

[ Puts hands on hips. ]



[2/3] hartlyworking September 30 2008, 02:11:48 UTC


[3/3] hartlyworking September 30 2008, 02:12:22 UTC
Do I look like I was born yesterday or somethin'? I ain't gonna believe that for a minute.


sweetandbitchy September 30 2008, 02:15:28 UTC
*she spreads her hands in a placating manner* If you have another reason why so many strange people have gathered in one place, then I'd be glad to listen to it.

And yes, well- kidnapping is generally what it's called when someone takes you from one place without your consent, right? *She shrugs lightly, sighing* Or, something like that, I suppose.


hartlyworking September 30 2008, 02:19:41 UTC
I ain't seen mucha nobody since I woke up in that barn over yonder, tell the truth.

[ Gestures. ]

And dontcha think I know what kidnappin' is?! Like I said, gal, I wasn't born yesterday or nothin'. Got it?


sweetandbitchy September 30 2008, 02:22:54 UTC
Ah, I see... Well, I'll assure you that there are... quite a few interesting characters running around.

You'd be surprised how many people don't understand that someone can be kidnapped without a ransom being demanded, or something to that effect. The fact you knew this already just makes you a cut above the rest. *smile*


hartlyworking September 30 2008, 02:32:15 UTC
Interestin' don't interest me none unless somebody tells me what's goin' on--

And I-I know plenty 'bout kidnappin'! All kinds! I'm a photojournalist, I done seen it all! Models, actors, all them folks get caught up in that stuff more'n bass in a net!

... And I done seen my share of murders too. Just in case you thought I was soft or somethin'.


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