This advertisement is on the door of one of my favorite lunch places, Green Symphony. The Symph, as I like to call it in my head, sells really healthy, tasty food and is run by a genial man who keeps telling his customers that they all look great. If somebody falls for it and says, "Really?" he immediately responds, "It must be all the good food you're eating!" He is the perfect salesman because he never stops smiling but seems totally genuine. So I'm not going to blame this bad signage on him, but rather on the ultra-powerful wheatgrass lobby.
Surprisingly, the quotes around "shot" don't bother me, but there's a lot of other stuff going on here: (1) Since the implied subject is "you," the corresponding verb should be "get," not "gets"; (2) There should be an "a" before "'shot'"; and (3) "Everyday" should be "every day."
And yes, that is a Joker-like Statue of Liberty holding a patch of wheatgrass in her hand. That part makes me pretty happy.