Jan 27, 2006 13:16

Having spent the last weekend sniffling at the departure of Swedish Lesbian#1, Kiwi Lesbian#1 and their sprog for a new life in Auckland, my bird and I were cheered at the arrival of a postcard featuring a photo of bird’s boobs and signed “They are NOT a C-cup but we’ll miss them anyway…”.  I wonder if the post office sorting staff agreed.  Bird is regretting letting Buddleia’s Electric Landlady get a bit to close with the camera at the wedding the other week.

On another bright note, a hard few weeks with grim deadlines and the departure of some very good friends has been made easier by the habit of some staff of bringing their dogs to work - cue much squeeing by most members of staff (me mostly).  I stay well out of the “is it right?” argument cos it’s no-one in my team (ha!), but some of the other managers have to make themselves the bad guy, hence the following typical conversation:

Manager: “You can’t bring your dog into the office”

Staff member: “Yes I can!”

M: “No you can’t!”

S: “Yes I can, he’s a guide dog.”

M: “Ok, number one you’re not blind.  Number two, he’s a poodle.”

As my boss would say, doing his best Catherine Tate Nan impression, “What a fuuuuckin’ liberty!”.
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