Here's some background information. I own an iBook G4 that, unfortunately, happened to have a rather noisy CD drive. The drive worked, it was just noisy. I thought maybe it might be a good idea to get the CD drive replaced. Little did I know that this would launch a long, epic saga of absolutely abysmal service.
Timeline: July 7. )
I think the contractor in this case was FlexTronics, as that's who we made the second DHL ticket out to. It isn't the fault of Apple that the repair guy screwed up, but it is very frustrating all the same; I wasn't expecting to get back a CD drive that was nice and quiet, but a computer that wouldn't boot.
It was the latter, as I've learned. I suppose the thing that boggles me about this is that, rather than contacting someone to find out why the information was not provided - or, contacting me directly for the information, as I have both an email address and phone number on file - they would simply let the computer sit there at the repair center untouched. Even if it couldn't have been to me on time anyway, if I hadn't called checking on the status of the repair, who knows how long they would have let it sit there?
If only one of these things (the botched repair, the stupid tech guy, the computer sitting there with 'not enough info') had happened, I don't think it would have made me so pissed. It's rolling them all together, added to the fact that I now don't have the computer for travel, that made me unhappy with the service. Usually Apple and their contractors are really excellent.
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