My sister-in-law had a similar experience this summer when she lost her son at 28 weeks. :( Babies R Us was definitely not understanding of anything going on. As a result, I have saved every receipt for everything I've purchased throughout my pregnancy - big or small - "just in case."
I agree with thisdaydreamer and emma_moon. Every company has some doucheskeletons in their closet; this just seems all the more tragic because there's loss and babies involved. You had no way of knowing they'd be like that.
In a similar vein, I'm sure there are BRUs who have provided exceptional compassion and care for their customers in tragic circumstances. It's just that, unfortunately, it only takes one or two asshole managers to give an entire company a bad name.
yeah, i worked for babies r us when i was a teenager. whenever we received a product with even the slightest flaw (not saftey flaws of course, but maybe a small scratch no one would even notice to begin with), employees were instructed to slash said products with box cutters and throw them in the dumpster. they never donate anything, they don't give a shit about their customers, and i quit after 2 weeks.
Or people who pull things out of dumpsters and then try to return them to the store because it's "damaged". These policies suck and seem like a waste of usable stuff, but they are in place for a reason.
THIS. It's totally an LP issue. It seems wasteful, but dishonest people can really drive up the cost of doing business, which eats into profits and/or causes prices to go up to compensate.
They should change their name to Assholes R Us.
In a similar vein, I'm sure there are BRUs who have provided exceptional compassion and care for their customers in tragic circumstances. It's just that, unfortunately, it only takes one or two asshole managers to give an entire company a bad name.
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