Very small gripe, actually, but still annoying.
Dear you,
Yes. I get it. You're a kid who is very excited about the new spells you got on leveling up. You can't wait to use them, and you can't wait to catch up to the rest of the party in terms of levels. That's all understandable. That said:
Please stop announcing that you have them every flipping round! We get it! You like having new spells! We know you can heal everyone at once now. It's getting annoying hearing over and over about how awesome your new spells are. It would also be great if you could stop asking if now is the time to use your mass healing every time one party member gets a papercut, or your Turn Undead every time a skeleton shows up, but those are things you'll learn with time.
On a semi-related note (nor to be confused with being on an 18-wheeler-related note), please, for the love of all that is holy, hold any questions not related to the task at hand until the end of the session, and any questions that are until YOUR turn. You're getting better about it, but it's still annoying when I'm trying to get through my turn and ask questions that I need the answers to in order to plan my turn (on my turn. I tend to plan out what I can between turns, then adjust that when it's my turn and I can ask what I need to ask.), inform the DM of the results of my rolls, and let the DM know what skills I'm trying to use, only to have to pause every time I open my mouth because you want to ask YET ANOTHER question related to leveling up, or adventure logs, or whether or not your class feature that LISTS WHAT SITUATIONS IT IS USEFUL IN can be used at the present moment. I'm trying to cut you some slack as far as my patience goes, mainly because you're a kid and, having grown up with ADHD, I can empathise with having a short attention span and low patience, but you're starting to irritate me.
Patience, young grasshopper.
Dear Adventurer's League,
I know you're run at least in part by Wizards. WHO THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO RULE THAT NEXT SEASON, THE HARDCOVER ADVENTURES, THOSE $50 A POP BOOKS YOUR COMPANY IS TRYING TO SELL, WOULD BE ILLEGAL? Seriously. I mean, yeah, having them in play means you have to release an errata sheet so you can have your own rules, and that is time-consuming, , but, seriously, that's like having a pasta contest without Italy. Speaking of...
Whose bright idea was it to say that no PCs could be native to the region introduced by the current adventure? ESPECIALLY with the excuse that having PCs from the region would 'limit players' possibilities too much'. Really? And then limiting EXP the DMs can hand out? I get that you don't want DMs to be able to make their players jump to 10th level right off the bat, but it makes it really irritating when circumstances necessitate adding a newbie to a 6th- or 7th-level party and the GM can't simply give them the experience they should be getting from the monsters we're fighting and get them up to being in the same ballpark quickly, rather than having to cart around and defend a seriously underleveled PC for 4 or 5 sessions just to get them to the point where they're actually able to take a hit without being killed outright and do more than aggro enemies.
Seriously, who in the nine hells is making the decisions for AL?
EDIT: Aaaand, apparently, AL has no exception to the 'start at level one if you don't have a character' rule. Not even for joining a higher-tier table. SMH.