Not all Slytherins are jackasses. Not all Slytherins are purists. Not all Slytherins would stab their mother in the back just for the sheer fun of 'looking out for number one.'
And I could really just shank JKR for saddling us with that stereotype. You know, in a metaphysical sense. )
Never did get into RP or fanfic with that char, and it's probably just as well.
But yeah. JKR really didn't do the House any favours; any time she went on about how not all Slytherins were bad, in the books, it... kinda rang hollow.
Been years since I read them, though, I'll admit, so perhaps I'm seeing it all through a sort of backwards nostalgia. At any rate, yeah, you'd think the world at large could have a bit more imagination about what goes into the House than just a bunch of rich snobs out for the evulz.
We never find out about the decent Slytherins because they just don't bother with Harry.
Such a character could have made, in my mind, a much more awesome and believable foil for Harry than Draco, even if s/he only came into the picture after the first few books(so that even Harry might find the lack of any other bigoted behaviour conspicuous enough to note).
Besides which, even if it is the unreliable narrator, that's the author's choice.
(And Harry himself isn't always the best of people, to put it very mildly. Sometimes his greatest ambition seems only to be in the Guiness Book of Records for either sulking or petty sniping at his friends/allies or both.)
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