Dear Worgen Roleplayers,
- You were not born worgen*.
- You were especially not "born worgen" in Gilneas before the worgen actually overran the place.
- You are more than likely not "feral". Look up the word feral before claiming to be feral while fully dressed and wandering around a crowded city acting like you think "feral" means "jackass". In fact, go back and re-run the starting quests. Pay attention around the point that you start working with the Night Elves. There is a specific quest line that TAKES AWAY the 'danger' of the whole feral aspect. You were feral when you were trapped, and unless you're still in a cage in Gilneas, you're not feral any longer. The Elves fixed you. What you're thinking of are
Savagekin, and they wouldn't be hanging out in cities.
- You are not a SQUEEPUPPY! Quit acting like one. Seriously.
- Quit spamming /roar. The animation and sound isn't that cool, and I can't think of any RP situation outside of battle or some really intense sex that might require 3+ /roar at once.
- Death Knights are still undead. Yes, even the worgen Death Knights.
- The lore is full of holes in places, especially regarding Death Knights, but you can take that up with Metzen.
- Old lore can, and occasionally is, be proven to have been a 'mistake' by researchers (or by developers). When that happens, such as with the origin of the worgen, continuing to use old lore because you like it better isn't generally the best route to take. Dislike? Talk to Blizzard. I don't like it any more than you, but if it changes, I shift my RP to fall in line as best as possible.
- You, the player character worgen, are not an Elf, Gnome, Dwarf, or Draenei worgen. You are a human who was bitten and you are from Gilneas.**
- You are not a standard human either. Just roll a goddamned human if you want to play one; RP out the "British accent" that made you roll the worgen in the first place. The models are the same.
Very sincerely,
The mildly cranky worgen druid who really wishes he'd stop seeing his people 'sniffing' at, rubbing up against, or generally acting like untrained dogs who happen to be able to speak.
* Previous lore indicated that worgen were from a different world/dimension; new lore indicates, and here are my copy-pasting abilities: "The worgen in fact derive from an ancient druidic sect known as the Druids of the Scythe who worshiped the wolf Ancient Goldrinn. The chosen shapeshift form of these druids was the worgen form, but these druids lost themselves to the form's savage nature and descended into feral behaviour." Source:
This thing. And even more: "The Druids of the Scythe are a sect of druids who followed Goldrinn. Originally calling them self Druids of the Pack, they shapeshifted into the feral worgen form and eventually lost their minds to its violent nature. The other druids agreed that these worgen must be locked away, and thus put them into eternal slumber deep beneath a tree identical to Tal'doren, until the day Arugal tampered with summoning worgen after looking into Ur's research. " There are hints of a few who managed to master their sanity again, but the indication there is that they would be Night Elves who tend to stay in worgen form. PC worgen are humans from Gilneas. Join up with the Druids of the Scythe if you want to, but you're still not an Elf underneath it all.
** Death Knights being a sort of exception. From what I can gather, worgen DKs are risen (and now former) minions of Arugal.