Dear You,
Not every canon male character you pick up to roleplay NEEDS to be gay. Over the months I have watched you take characters that have given absolutely no indication in their series of origin that they have a craving for sausage, strip them of their girlfriend/wife/mistress/whatever and fling them under the first pretty-faced dude who gazes at them piercingly enough. Your reasons for this are always convoluted at best (TEEHEE THEY WERE DRUNK), or sometimes you don't even offer a reason. Its like they just woke up one morning, smiled at the sun and said "Boy today is a great day to suddenly love cock!" While that works just fine in yaoi-centric RP's where players are more or less expected to do exactly that, our group is neither yaoi nor sex-based. And you are starting to annoy some of us.
We recently started talking outside of the game, and we hit it off okay. You seem like a nice enough person. When you said you were going to pick up one of my character's canonmates, though, I was wary. I had every right to be, I guess, because now I can't even roleplay my guy anymore without you trotting yours into all of his threads making "teasing" efforts to hit on him. My guy is a little prissy and admittedly kind of a bitch, but you know what? He's straight. And he's okay with that. Him freaking out at his castmate trying to get into his pants? This isn't some misguided reciprocation of affection. When last he left your character before arriving in the pandfandom world, they were still off-and-on rivals who cooperated as a means to an end. This sparkly, smarmy uke who seems to be stalking him all over the city is NOT the guy he when he says "I don't even know who you are anymore", it's not (entirely) me taking an OOC potshot at your RPing.
It's okay to play straight guys once in awhile. No, really, it is. No one's going to take away your rainbow badge because you roleplay a dude who likes boobs amid your yaoi harem. If that doesn't appeal to you, then will you please at least stick to playing characters who can even feasibly be considered gay?
Also I would appreciate it if you would stop taking stuff that is said and done in what is obviously a silly OOC manner over AIM and try to make them canon occurrances. There is a reason my characters think your characters are on crack when they bring this stuff up in proper RP threads.
I like you, and you're a great writer but just....stop. Okay? Stop. Trying to address this stuff with you is like talking to a damned wall. If you won't listen to me, maybe you'll listen to the mods when they finally get around to slapping you upside the head.
Frustrated RP partner
PS - I am going to punch your teeth in if you don't stop making every other word in canonmate's sentences "[Character]-san" when he's talking directly to him. There's no need to refer to him in the third person and CONSTANTLY. You aren't RPing Gollum as a hyperactive japanese schoolgirl, ffs.