I am finally frustrated enough to post about this.
Some of you may remember the initial drama
here. If not, the short version is that a player godmoded, attempted to force people into playing their ship by this godmodeing, harrassed other players, and decided they were replacing another player in a planned-out alternate-universe after being told the player was not being replaced by anyone.
SINCE THEN: When they were finally banned, they proceeded to continue harassing the community by posting a very skewed view of this complaining about, essentially, people not playing the pairing, to various rant communities. Unfortunately (for them), links were provided to the actual threads and what actually happened was right there for anyone to see.
Well they're back, to apologize for what happened... in an entirely inappropriate community, because they "don't have time to read the rules". They have also taken this time to make sure their 'apology' informs everyone that really, it's everyone else's fault. Another complaint is, of course, about the provided links since they make skewing what happened more difficult. (No surprise her replies there were self-deleted once she realized this.)
They have now been informed their ban is permanent, and have still been harrassing people in PMs, and still misrepresenting the community and mod.
How do I know this? I am the mod. Imagine my surprise when one of my lesser-used character accounts was told the player had seen my hiatus post and thus knew I was gone - only to see this post complain about being ignored. Apparently, I've also been posting daily while my journal contains one post for the time I've been away and busy. They have now been told the lies are the chief reason the ban will not be lifted. I have no confidence the problems will end at this point.
Someone should really make time to fact-check before trying these stunts.
Edit: It should be mentioned the ship involves incest; to avoid that becoming the issue, I'll simply say this player NEEDS to learn the other side of YKINMK and that awareness suggests it would be wise to make sure people are comfortable first.