Mild length rant.
About two years ago I decided to hop on to AOL to see if the role play realm there had recovered in the time I had been gone ... Sadly, it had not. As I was logging off one of my old "students" IMed me out of the blue and asked me how I was doing. Knowing her the way I do (I tend to pick up on each student's quirks as quickly as I can) she had an ulterior motive for IMing me.
I really should have faked a disconnection right then and there.
during the course of our conversation (less than five responses in) she told me she was trying to start up a Wolf/Werewolf style "pack" on the very message board I referenced some time ago (the refuge for Private games in Public light type players) and wanted my help. Now mind you members of BRPS - I know her all too well at this point. She wants me to Admin/Mod from the background (with no actual board power to do so mind you), give her advice on the smallest things and on top of it all she wants me to play within the pack.
Being the nice guy I can be at times, I give her the benefit of the doubt and tell her I'll think about it. She promptly starts to beg and plead, saying whatever she can each and every time I log into AIM or YIM to butter me up. I finally cave and tell her that I'll help and play an active role in the pack as a sort of Healer/shaman.
I also told her that the cost of my joining would be a more active role in the very admin/moderation tasks she anted me to do in the shadows. She agreed to this ..... This is important in a bit.
I asked her what sort of setting this was and if it held true to the Nexus style of the original Rhy'Din - she said yes, so I apped and added a character I had not used in some time: An Ancient (near First Generation Evolution) Anthromorphic Wolf. There were no complaints from any of the other players at the addition of a character like that and from his specs they assumed that the player was to be a Mod or Co-Admin (the character is Immortal and seen in his own lore as being the last of the original Children of the Goddess Gaia).
My old student followed my advice and even used a few of my own rule suggestions in verbatim as she set this game up. I was thrilled to have a chance to play again, despite my trepidation concerning my old student. I was right to feel that way. Not long after, new rules and conflicting lore concerning werewolves started to show up in the threads dealing with them. You simply do not mix several werewolf based systems together in a truly free form setting like that - nor do you institute such a system to begin with. I would have had no problems if the information was provided as a reference to build a character with - it wasn't.
The additions ended up having to be nixed as they'd have made playing existing characters impossible - no one in the game played a character that fit all the requirements.
Some time after that I log in to find that my profile for my character has been altered without my permission - not in the way it had been altered mind you. My student had asked for permission to add in two images she had found that were perfect for my character. The permission was given. what I found when I next logged in was a set of four images, two anthro shots ... and two human PBs. along with information on a "secret" human form for my character.
I wigged out and eventually left.
Now then .... The above is an example of one of the evils of a PB based system. My student had gotten involved in several of them after my departure and believed that everyone should have a PB. she was one of the ones that had no issue with my character as it was - or so she said.
Now, a bit more background on that last one: I had gotten an IM from her at one point asking me if I'd consider altering my character a bit - one of the Alpha positions had been open for too long and it needed to be filled. Mind you, to her mind such a thing meant that the female my character would be "paired" with would be his mate - and guess who played the female?
I told her I'd think about it - and asked her about the admin/mod power on the board she had promised and agreed to as the cost of my essentially being the person to help her get this off the ground. She said she'd get to it - and never did. Mind you, the alphas and equivalent "ranks" were supposed to have these powers already. My character was in one of the equivalent ranks.
So then, not only did she alter my character without express permission to do so, she did so to fit her own shipping needs and to do so with a character whose brand new human form had a PB of an actor she found hot as hell.