Here's a case of someone who begs to be allowed to play, reads the rules of the game, accepts the rules in a written statement, and then proceeds to flip out the first time the rules don't suit him. I just do not understand people like this.
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If something in canon breaches a set rating for general play, you keep it and pull a "Fade to Black", then pick up after the fade.
The only other time this is to be avoided is when even the thought of such a thing occurring to your character breaches your personal rules/boundaries.
However, this still sounds like a case of Captain Douchebag to me.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still very much in agreement that this guy was a dickweed and acted inappropriately. Especially since he'd agreed to the rules. And yes, he probably had ulterior motive, i.e. "I want to see teh rapings! WHERE'S MAH RAEP?" It's just that I can see the point that there are legitimate reasons for resenting canon-tweaking censorship and villain-neutering. Not the reasons this guy probably had, though.
It's not that rape doesn't exist in our perfect little universe. A villain could certainly threaten to rape a character, or a character could be afraid they would be raped in whatever situation they're in. The ban is on rape actually happening, not on it existing as a concept.
Like I said, people who have an issue with this one thing being the way it is can just go elsewhere. We're not the only game around. :-)
But you're right, they can always leave. It's not something you're forcing on people, so I have no major moral issue with it. It just seems damn peculiar from where I'm sitting.
If someone is unable to agree to the rules, then they don't get to play. There are plenty of other games for them out there if they really feel they can't follow that rule.
So far this is the only time anyone has thrown a fit about it.
It's hard to judge without knowing what fandom this happened in. I'm trying to think of any sci-fi fandom where any species or faction is so well known for every last freakin' one of them being a rapist that someone would get so bent out of shape about a few characters not being into that sort of thing.
I'm assuming that the characters in this game were actual canon characters and the rule was keeping them from acting like their canon selves. That's the only way I can justify someone getting so upset over something like this. If they were player-made, he's just a freak.
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