The player in question has long since vanished, but I've been feeling the need to rant a little about the character for a while now. Let's call the character Steve, just for the hell of it. I play a character - let's call him Welshie* - in an RP about final frontiers, scantily clad green women, and trekking through stars.
When Steve first joined the game, it was all fairly new and fresh out of the package and all of us were running around setting up character relationships and making friends and everything else people do in newly-started RP. Steve-mun seemed like a fairly nice person, and we chatted OOC every now and then, and Steve and Welshie started hanging out and everything seemed perfectly normal.
At one point, Steve developed telekinetic powers that would, Steve's player told us, eventually allow Steve to walk on air, repair things from a distance, and most notably (as far as I was concerned, anyhow), would render Welshie's position on the ship meaningless and useless, as Steve would be able to completely repair complex machinery that he had no training in repairing - from a distance - so Welshie wouldn't get hurt and possibly killed on the job. It was at this point that I sent a discreet note to the mods, and they spoke with Steve's player, asking them to tone it down a bit. Not long after, I was treated to several OOC messages from Steve's player, complaining that they never thought Steve's amazing powers of deus ex machina would be such a big deal, and that it was completely reasonable for Steve to have godlike powers without limit.
Steve got over it, and Welshie and Steve continued to hang out and be friends because I (foolishly) figured that Steve's player had learned their lesson. Welshie began to spend a bit of time with another character in the game. We'll call her Jane. By this point, Steve had been on the bad end of a few failed relationships, and understandably, Steve's player was a little frustrated. But as Welshie's relationship with Jane started to get a little more serious, and as Steve continued to completely fail at relationships, Steve and Steve's player both became a little obsessive over the fact that Steve couldn't keep a girlfriend for more than two weeks. This was in part due to the fact that quite frankly, Steve was a Gary Stu of epic proportions, and in part due to the fact that Steve's player would start threads and never finish them - and then complain that nobody wanted to play with Steve. As Steve showed up less and less, Steve's player complained more and more.
And then in some strange twist of fate, Welshie and Jane found themselves engaged. Suddenly, and with no warning, it came to light that Steve was in fact secretly in love with Welshie the whole time. Being the sort to enjoy IC drama, I said 'Okay, that's a little weird, but sure, we'll go with it' because by that point it was clear that Welshie only had eyes for Jane. All was fine and dandy, until Steve's player began messaging me almost every day to tell me how much Steve loved Welshie, and how Steve had always loved Welshie, and how they wished that Steve could actually end up in a lasting relationship. I feel obligated to point out that this came after several OOC conversations in which I stated quite clearly that my particular incarnation of Welshie was and always had been straight.
In-game, we played it out with Welshie being vaguely apologetic and feeling a little guilty for gushing about Jane to Steve all the time, and that should have been that. But Steve continued to obsess over it, as did Steve's player. And as IC actions have IC consequences, Welshie - who was by now a little uncomfortable with Steve's obsession - gradually began to stop talking to Steve, in the interest of keeping personal drama out of his own life. Cue more constant whining from Steve's player about how no one wanted to play with Steve, and everyone hated Steve, and no one would even notice if Steve just disappeared from the game.
After this, Steve's player showed up on AIM less and less often, and when they were online, it was usually only to gripe to me about how no one ever played with Steve. Steve would continue to show up in threads, and Steve's player would write one or two one-liner tags, and then abandon the thread. Eventually, both Steve and Steve's player did in fact disappear entirely, without any explanation. However, Steve's player was wrong about one thing - someone did in fact notice that Steve disappeared from the game. I noticed, and so did everyone else who had to put up with Steve's player whining that nobody ever threaded with Steve, and there was much rejoicing.
TL;DR: A horrible Gary Stu character, a player who failed to grasp that IC actions have IC consequences, and constantly complained about no one threading with their character while never taking the initiative to attempt threading with other characters and while starting threads and abandoning them two comments later. They were not missed.
*Kudos if you get the reference.