Where have all the villains gone?

Sep 04, 2010 01:37

Long time happening.
Where have all the villains gone,
Long time ago?

But seriously, this is irritating me to no end. I finally find a .hack RP, which is great, or, rather, it was. Now, however, I notice that there are no villains. What happened? We had plenty when I started, that's why I didn't play one myself. Believe me, I would have been more than willing to; unfortunately my character isn't really the type to become a villain. I mean, they used to run the gamut from simple Player Killers to lunatics scheming to take over the whole of The World for reasons best known unto themselves. And, really, some of them were wonderful. Now, though, we just seem to hang around chatting all night, every night. This is something which, quite frankly, we can do OOC over various chat clients; it is not something which I come to RP. Don't get me wrong, character building conversations are great, but in this kind of RP they really need to be balanced by some action every now and then.

Now, I know some of the villains have left because of IRL nonsense; others, I guess, just got bored of the site. This is perfectly reasonable behaviour, to my mind, so I guess I can't call suck on their part. Is it suck on the part of the other players? Maybe. Some of their characters would make pretty sweet villains. But if they don't want to RP that then, well, I can't really call suck on them for not RPing something they wouldn't enjoy, can I? Perhaps I can call it a minor suck on the part of the characters we have who used to be villainous but now seem content to hang around doing sweet FA. However, I think a lot of the blame must rest with Newmod, who tends to crack down on everything and anything he considers to detract from the 'official storyline', which is incredibly slow moving and only caters to about five or six characters. The other mods haven't called him on this yet, largely because they've been occupied with IRL stuff themselves, so, again, I can't really blame them.

For the record, guys, this is the reason activity is dwindling; this is why the site is stagnating and nobody's going there and you're struggling to keep it open. I don't know; I'd say I'm done, but I have had some good times there. I don't know, maybe I can find an event so traumatic that it could convincingly turn a shy, anti-PK Harvest Cleric into a villain. Or maybe I could just get rid of him and start a new character. Problem there is that I've come to rather like this character and, even if I did, it'd pretty much be everyone on the site against little old me, so it'd probably be a pretty short-lived storyline. You know, if power crazy Newmod doesn't bring the hammer of modly 'waah pay attention to me' down on it to begin with. What do you guys think? In the mean time, does anyone know where I can find a decent .hack RP?

modding fail, doing it wrong, u broke teh game

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