YOU! OMG, you fucking take the cake. I have been nothing but nice to you from the very beginning. I gave you some paid time, and sent you every icon of him I had. Plus, his music that you didn't have. I thought we were friends of a sort. Then you began your abuse
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It doesn't make you their bitch. But it does mean if you want to make pretend-y fun times fun, you should have some regard for their enjoyment instead of going off on one with it being All About You.
It sounds like this RP 'buddy' didn't do this. That sucks. I suppose I'm so vehement 'cos I've been there. I hope you move on to better, more enjoyable RP with nicer, more cooperative players!
Equally, multiple characters under the same player acting nonsensically towards the same goal, attitude, or in defence of the same person/idea? Hate that. HAAATE.
And I agree, there needs to be some communication. If something truly major is going to happen, let the other person know! It affects the health and aspect of the character from then on. Plus, it just hurt me ooc since I had tried so hard to communicate, and be nice to them.
Exactly, I am not their bitch, and they are not mine. Some talking would not have killed her, but this is supposed to be a communal sort of thing. Except, I am wrong for thinking this.
I am moving on to better things. I hope I am at least. I feel a bit scarred. I hate doing something like this, I mean to rant is cool, but to have to post something like this hurt me to do. I just needed the venom out.
Ditto with that hate.
So, yeah. Just to say, I totally get where you are, and I totally get the scarring. It gets better. There is nice RP out there! :)
Offers you hugs, and e cookies. That just sucks man!
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