My usual Tabletop group decided to take a break of our current Cybergeneration campaign and head into the recently published Dresden Files RPG, based off the same series of Urban Fantasy books (which I can't stand but that's a tale for another day).
My GM assures me we don't have to play in the exact same world of the books, and actually the rules expect people to create their own city and world. I'm convinced, and I'm game (no pun intended). I rush to make a character, have an ugly discussion about the rules that are too iffy for my taste, but nothing that hasn't happened before.
And sitting next to me, in the role of player as well, is the girl who spawned
this entry. The appointed day, we unveil our PCs, and.... can you guess what she brought to the table? According to her, he was inspired by the "Young Albus Dumbletore and his tale".
Name: Adrian
Intelligence: OUT OF THIS WORLD! Is considered a genius, in her own words, because there is no intelligence rating in the game.
Looks: AMAZING! Of course, she was subtle at getting this, because there is no "looks" rating in the game. Instead, she got "Presence" maxed out, after pressuring the GM to houserule it to reflect beauty, and not only being charismatic.
Sexual inclination: C'mon, say it with me.... TEH GHEY!
And obviously, with an evil boyfriend, with who the PC broke up after he accidentally killed his sister. But Adrian still luffs his wayward evil magelove very much!
After session one, player was whining because her mentor wasn't enough into her PC, and thus was bored.
Anyone would like to adopt me so I can find proper RP once and for all?
Quick update.
I forgot to mention that we're playing Changeling again. And she decided to dust off and remake her old character instead of making a new one. Yes, THE ONE that I mention in the entry above. And she's still expecting Yrtalien, the really badass NPC villain to come knocking and sweep him off his feet. Her PC is actually dating a girl (GASP! Say it ain't so!) but "it's not as if he really loves her and she's a redcap anyway and he's only doing it to piss off his dad."
Am I a horrible person for not wanting to give her the NPC, and instead just get him to seduce the PC so he can screw the entire party and get what he wants and then leave?