Jul 22, 2010 14:21
Okay. I am not trying to force you into an IC relationship, but seriously?
You're being so childish. Your character avoiding mine when she casually asks him on a date is NOT cool.
Even worse? When he goes to his guy friend and the two of them go out instead. Why would your character spurn the advances of a pretty, attractive girl for a nerdy guy? Really? You're the one who wanted me to join this RP.
I made a character who fit yours in every way because I like RPing with you and your character is awesome. Why are you suddenly blowing her off?
EDIT: Okay, apparently I need to give more of the story.
The guy character -- I'll call him Jake -- has been kind of secretly heartbroken that this one character (the nerdy girl, I'll call her Amanda) broke up with him due to a misunderstanding. It's been affecting his work and social life. Jake's mun joked about how he needs someone to snap him out of his funk.
She had wanted me to join for a while, and the only thing keeping me from joining was some drama between me and this other mun, but after Amanda and Jake broke up I decided I might as well. I had been playing around with this character idea for a while, and I thought she'd fit well with Jake.
So, my character, I'll call Tabby, is rough-around the edges, has gotten into trouble in her life, and is trying to turn things around. She can be a bitch, yeah, but she doesn't mean to be and has a good heart, it's just hard to see. She's also loyal to her friends -- unless they do something that makes her think they've betrayed her. She's kind of paranoid, having been wronged several times before.
Jake and Tabby are obviously a good match, and Jake's mun agreed that they'd get to know each other, be friendly, and have a sort of friendly rivalry going on since they have the same job. He'd flirt every now and then, and Tabby took it slow, but when she asked him on a date? He bailed. In the middle of fixing a car. So not only did Tabby have to take care of it, but then Jake started avoiding her and went to hang out with his nerdy friend, who I'll call Marc. Marc's a big dork, and masculine, assertive guys like Jake wouldn't hang out with a nerdy little guy instead of a hot girl like Tabby.
And those saying the nerdy/mechanic thing would be cute, yeah, it could be. But it wasn't. If anything, it was just unhealthy. The girl -- Amanda -- was clingy and had social issues, and she didn't take social cues and there was a lot of awkwardness. Jake kept accidentally hurting her feelings because he's honest and a bit tactless without meaning to be and Amanda is pretty sensitive. So Jake would call Marc asking how to fix it. The relationship was obviously not working out and Amanda broke up with him, telling him sorry and saying it was best if she just stayed away from human contact.
So I figured Tabby would be a perfect girlfriend for Jake, who obviously needed someone different.
Nevermind, apparently I'm a bad RPer because I expected Jake to be realistic and follow through with our plot.
op is the brp,
little miss crankypants,
not bad rp,
mary sue,
over 100 comments!,
but what are your thoughts on yaoi,
fail troll is fail,
doing it wrong,
douche canoe capsized,
buy a clue,
riding the failboat,
your passive aggressive is showing,