Can we just play already?

Jun 04, 2010 23:49

Dear Storyteller,
ST I have been playing with you in your worlds for at least one and half years with a system that I love and can really get into. But sadly over those years what was once a great relation ship seemed to be come a love hate one.

I love your plots and I love the energy that you have in your characters. It really makes the world alive and can make it seem like we are really the characters that we play. A person can really tell that you know that your talking about which is a good thing for a storyteller.

But the problem comes into the little things you tend to do while running the game. Like not telling the Narrator #1 that is playing that nights NPC’s what the NPC’s would know is going in. So you then have to pause the game for a half an hour to update them in the middle of the game, leaving the other players with nothing to do. Or not telling the Narrator #2 what the plot is ahead of time so when you talking to another Narrator #1 he could move the plot forward and then bitching that nothing got done in that half an hour of play. It also don’t help then I tell you I am coming to the game a week in advance and only when I get to the game do you tell me that the character I have is not fitting for the setting we are playing in, so I should run another persons character for them as they are not here.

Really thought the two that upset me the worst are the two main points.

1) How you can’t even keep track every ones characters skills when you are the person that keeps the character sheets for weeks at a time. Really if you think someone has a very important power to the plot then you should at least check it with the character sheet, even more so when it’s the only power that will damage the boss and only one character may have it.

2) How the game seems to be in all ready all planed out. A few times people have been able to kill the big bad before they got to point you wanted them in the plot and then you rerolled it so the big bad is still around.

Really I do love you but the more and more time I spend in the game the more I think that you really shouldn't be the ST for this game. I know you would make a bad ass player but it just don’t seem like your set up to be a ST at this time. A shame because I know you will never step down from the rank of Storyteller it while you have all those crazy plots in your head for all NPC’s and the world at large.

Love the player but not the Storyteller,

crappy shitty stupid dms, buy a clue, larp

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